2015 Annual Meeting
May 5-7, 2015: Charleston, South Carolina
Opening Remarks – Ocean and Coastal Issues Impacting Marine Mammals and their Environment in the Carolinas and the Broader Atlantic Region
- Overview of SC DNR and history of Fort Johnson Road research complex (David Whitaker)
- Overview of Hollings/CCEHBR labs highlighting science, policy, and management issues related to marine mammals (Jeff King)
- Sea Grant Program overview highlighting ocean/coastal issues impacting the marine environment and marine mammals (Rick Devoe)
- Overview of marine mammal science, policy, and management issues in the Mid-Atlantic (Andy Read)
Marine Mammal Health in the Southeast – A Spotlight on the Specialties and Integrated Research Approach in this Region
- The role of live marine mammal health assessments in conservation and understanding health of coastal ecosystems: Lessons from the Southeast (Lori Schwacke)
- NOS’s analytical specialties focusing on harmful algal blooms and molecular diagnostic approaches for understanding exposure and effects of coastal stressors on marine mammals (Fran Van Dolah)
- The value of dead animal investigations for understanding marine mammal issues in the Southeast (Wayne McFee)
- NIST’s role in marine mammal tissue banking, contaminant analysis, and development of measurement standards (Paul Becker)
- Hollings Marine Lab’s partner research focusing on the influence of environmental factors on vertebrate reproduction and its applications to marine mammals (Lou Guillette)
- Atlantic unusual mortality event updates with a focus on morbillivirus and the benefits of collaborative research (Teri Rowles)
NMFS Office of Protected Resources Strategic Plan
- Overview of (1) the NMFS Office of Protected Resources 2016-2020 Strategic Plan and its four themes; and (2) vision for the Manage for Climate Change theme and the Improve External Collaboration theme (Donna Wieting)
- Vision for the Recover and Conserve Priority Species theme (Sam Rauch)
- Vision for and examples of initiatives under the Maximize Our Effectiveness theme (Nicole LeBoeuf)
Reducing Mortality and Injury of North Atlantic Right Whales from Ship Strikes and Entanglement in Fishing Gear
A) Biological Status of North Atlantic Right Whales and Research Activities
- NMFS right whale status and NEFSC research activities: highlight (1) abundance, calf counts, mortality, distribution shifts; and (2) passive acoustic studies and other NEFSC research activities and plans (Peter Corkeron)
- Science center research activities, including (1) revised SE Aerial Survey Program; (2) Mid-Atlantic right whale data compilation; and (3) results of limpet tagging work, tag redesign and improvements (Lance Garrison)
- Recent D-Tag studies and results (Doug Nowacek)
B) Critical Habitat and Ship Strikes
- Description, status, and schedule of the rulemaking action (Dave Gouveia)
- Description and status of ship strike rule, status of petition to exempt dredged channels (Nicole LeBoeuf)
North Atlantic Right Whale Fisheries Interactions
- Description of the fishery and entanglement risk to right whales and status of winter closure (Kari MacLauchlin)
- Review of Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan Provisions: Groundline and vertical lines, TRT review, and future modifications (David Gouveia)
- NMFS Co-Occurrence Model: Purpose and model constructions, results, and data limitations (Brian Morrison)
- Description of WHOI/Maine Lobstermen Association’s model and results: Purpose and model construction, results, and data limitations (Hauka Kite-Powell)
Offshore Energy – New Developments in Wind Energy Development, Oil and Gas Leasing, and Exploration on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf
A) Wind Energy Panel: Status of Development and Baseline Data Collection on Atlantic OCS
- Status of current renewable energy projects in the Atlantic (Walter Cruickshank)
- Wind energy turbine designs, installation methods, challenges to wind energy development, and mitigation and monitoring measures being implemented to minimize impacts on marine mammals (Aileen Kenney)
- Impacts of wind turbine construction and operations on marine mammals (Kate Williams)
- AMAPPS II and other long-term monitoring programs (Mike Simpkins)
- Incorporation and expansion of mitigation measures agreed to by wind energy developers and NGO’s to minimize impacts of wind energy site assessment surveys on right whales (Andrea Leshak)
B) Oil and Gas Panel: 2017-2022 Draft Program Plan and Proposed Seismic Surveys on Atlantic OCS
- Overview of 2017-2022 Draft Program Plan, specifically Atlantic OCS planning areas, the geology of the Atlantic and potential characteristics of oil and gas plays, and the scope and status of geological and geophysical permit applications (Michael Celata)
- Overview of the seismic industry and how it functions, types of seismic surveys, and resource extraction they expect will go forward in the Atlantic (Ken Wells)
- Seismic surveys: Potential impacts on animals and ideas for mitigation, monitoring and management (Doug Nowacek)
- Perceptions and concerns regarding multiple proposed seismic surveys in the same area and at the same time of year (Sierra Weaver)
Economics of Offshore Energy Development
- Approaches to leasing for oil and gas development on the Outer Continental Shelf and assurance of Fair Market Value (Walter Cruickshank)
Management and Conservation of Florida Manatees
- Statewide monitoring: Synoptic survey results, mortalities, rescues (Leslie Ward)
- Population model: Description of the model, limitations, plans for revising and rerunning model (Mike Runge)
- Down-listing petition and Peer Notice of Intent: Description, response to date, and action plans (Jay Herrington)
- Management issues at the Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge: Three Sister Spring (description of the spring, 2015 research and management actions, 2016 management plans) and provisions for elsewhere in the refuge (Andrew Gude)
- Local management concerns in Crystal River (Steve Lamb)
- Save the Manatee Club: Environmental group concerns (Pat Rose)
Human Interactions with Marine Mammals
- Human interactions with dolphins in the Southeast Region: Status of interactions, actions to mitigate interactions (Laura Engleby)
- Recent NMFS efforts and constraints to enforcing MMPA and ESA harassment provisions (Jim Landon)
- Recent FWS efforts and constraints to enforcing MMPA and ESA harassment provisions (Andrew Aloise)
- Update on NMFS nationwide marine mammal viewing regulations: review past efforts to develop nationwide harassment regulations, review of species-specific approach regulations, future plans for developing harassment regulations (Trevor Spradlin)
Marine Mammal and Fisheries Interactions – A Review of Take Reduction Teams in the Atlantic
- Research findings regarding the performance of Atlantic TRTs (Sara McDonald)
- Successes and challenges of Large Whale TRT (Patrice McCarron)
- Successes and challenges of the Atlantic TRTs (Sharon Young)