Application from the Washington State Department of Transportation to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to replacement of the Mukilteo Multimodal Ferry Terminal.
National Marine Fisheries Service
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2013 Commission letters and agency responses are provided as PDF files below. Download times of large PDFs will vary based on connection speed. Additional information on PDFs.
Application from the Washington State Department of Transportation to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to replacement of the Mukilteo Multimodal Ferry Terminal.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from the Washington State Department of Transportation to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to the replacement of structures at the Bremerton Ferry Terminal.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from NE Gateway Energy Bridge L.P. and Algonquin Gas Transmission L.L.C. to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to operation, maintenance, and repair of the Northeast Gateway liquefied natural gas port and the Algonquin Pipeline Lateral facilities in Massachusetts Bay.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Not yet available.
Application from the U.S. Air Force to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to rocket and missile launches, aircraft and helicopter operations, Delta Mariner operations, cargo unloading activities, and harbor maintenance dredging at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit application from Marilyn Mazzoil, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, to conduct research on bottlenose dolphins.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from the Gulf of Farallones National Marine Sanctuary to take small numbers of pinnipeds by harassment incidental to black abalone research in the Farrallon Islands, CA.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Call for information regarding the Chukchi Sea Lease Sale 237.
View Letterand Map
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Permit application from Dr. Paul Koch, to import into the U.S. mummified remains of four species of seals collected in Antarctica.
National Science Foundation
Application from Blue Point Conservation Science to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to seabird and pinniped research in central California.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit application from Dr. Scott Baker to receive, possess, import, and export samples from any species of cetacean or pinniped (except walrus).
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit application from Alaska SeaLife Center to change status of non-releasable walruses.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Application from the Partnership for the Interdisciplinary Study of Coastal Oceans to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to conducting rocky intertidal monitoring activities along the California and Oregon coasts.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Temporary regulations regarding the California thresher shark/swordfish drift gillnet (CA DGN) fishery observer requirements and a permit authorizing the taking of three species of whales listed under the Endangered Species Act.
National Marine Fisheries Service
No response provided.
Unsolicited lease request from Principle Power, Inc., to acquire a commercial lease for wind energy development off Coos Bay, Oregon.
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Permit application from Wessley Merten to photograph and film cetaceans in waters off Puerto Rico.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from the California Department of Transportation to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to construction activities associated with replacement of the east span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit application from The Marine Mammal Center to collect, rescue, transport, relocate, rehabilitate, and release to the wild southern sea otters.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement for training and research, development, test, and evaluation activities within the Mariana Islands Training and Testing study area.
Naval Facilities Engineering Command Pacific
Not yet available.
Application from the Navy to take marine mammals incidental to training and research, development, test, and evaluation activities within the Mariana Islands Training and Testing study area.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Proposed rule to amend the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan (78 Fed. Reg. 42654) and the associated draft environmental impact statement (DEIS).
National Marine Fisheries Service
Final rule not yet available.
View Response
Permit application from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) to amend a permit to conduct research on Steller sea lions in Alaska.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit amendment issued, however, the notice of issuance was not published in the Federal Register.
Proposed rule to amend the Harbor Porpoise Take Reduction Plan.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit renewal and amendment application from Monterey Bay Aquarium to collect, rescue, transport, relocate, rehabilitate, and release to the wild southern sea otters.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Not yet available.
Permit application from the Bristol Bay Native Association (BBNA) to conduct research on northern sea otters.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Permit application from the Bristol Bay Native Association (BBNA) to conduct research on northern sea otters.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Not yet available.
Application from the U.S Navy to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to pile driving in association with a wharf repair project in Mayport, Florida.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit application from Sea Life Park Hawaii to renew a permit associated with maintaining Hawaiian monk seals in permanent captivity.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit application from Renegade Pictures to film polar bears in Kaktovik, Alaska.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
90-day finding on a petition to list Iliamna Lake seals as a threatened or endangered species under the Endangered Species Act.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Not yet available.
90-day finding on a petition to include the killer whale (Orcinus orca) known as Lolita in the endangered species listing for the southern resident killer whale.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Not yet available.
Proposed rule regarding deletion of the expiration date of regulations for limiting vessel speed to reduce collisions with North Atlantic right whales.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Request for extension of the comment period regarding proposed amendments to the Atlantic large Whale Take Reduction Plan.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Extension not issued.
Programmatic environmental impact statement (PEIS) to evaluate the environmental consequences of restoration projects and newly planned projects following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Application from James Lloyd-Smith to amend authorization permit to conduct research on California sea lions at Año Nuevo Island, California
National Marine Fisheries Service
Authorization for the incidental taking of marine mammals from West Coast drift gillnet and sablefish pot fisheries.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Draft stock assessment reports for Pacific walrus and three stocks of Northern sea otters in Alaska.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Walrus: Not yet available
Sea Otters: View Response
Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures for Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit renewal and amendment application from U.S Geological Survey to conduct research on sea otters in Alaska.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Application from TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company to take marine mammals incidental to a 2-D seismic survey in the Alaska Chukchi Sea.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Application from SAExploration to take marine mammals incidental to a 3-D seismic survey in the Alaska Beaufort Sea.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Application withdrawn.
Notice of intent to prepare a programmatic environmental impact statement on geological and geophysical activities in the Gulf of Mexico.
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Not yet available.
Permit renewal application from Thomas Postel to film manatees for educational purposes.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Initial draft comprehensive restoration plan for the Gulf of Mexico, as required by the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States (RESTORE) Act of 2012.
DOC/Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council
Not yet available.
Application from the U.S. Air Force to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to maritime strike operations at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the effects of oil and gas activities in the Arctic Ocean.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Not yet available.
Permit amendment and renewal application from the University of Illinois to import polar bear samples.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Application from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to a marine geophysical survey in the western tropical Pacific Ocean.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Finding that listing the Gulf of Mexico distinct population segment of sperm whales as an endangered or threatened species may be warranted.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Proposed rule to amend the documentation requirements for tuna products labeled as being dolphin safe.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from the U.S Navy to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to testing the AN/AQS-20A Mine Reconnaissance Sonar System in the Gulf of Mexico.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit application from Tamara McGuire, Ph.D., to conduct research on beluga whales.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Not yet available.
Permit application from the National Ocean Service Marine Forensic Laboratory to acquire, possess, import, and export samples from marine mammals.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from Shell to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to various activities in the Alaskan Chukchi Sea.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from the U.S Navy to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to pile driving and removal in association with a wharf construction project in Hood Canal at Naval Base Kitsap in Bangor, Washington.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit application from Jennifer Burns, Ph.D., to conduct research on Weddell seals in Antarctica.
National Science Foundation
Application from the Navy to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to pile driving and removal in association with a pier replacement project in San Diego Bay, California.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from the U.S Navy to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to pile driving and removal in association with a barge mooring project in Hood Canal at Naval Base Kitsap in Bangor, Washington.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit application from Marine Mammals Management to conduct research on northern sea otters.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Application from the Air Force to take marine mammals incidental to precision strike weapon and air-to-surface gunnery missions within Eglin Air Force Base’s Gulf of Mexico Test and Training Range.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Proposed List of Fisheries for 2013.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit application from Douglas Nowacek, Ph.D. to conduct research on numerous cetacean species or stocks.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from the U.S. Marine Corps for authorization to take Atlantic bottlenose dolphins incidental to various training exercises at the Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point Range Complex, North Carolina.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from the City of San Diego for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to demolition and reconstruction of the Children’s Pool lifeguard station in La Jolla, California.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from the U.S. Navy for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to military training activities at the Silver Strand Training Complex, California.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from the Southwest Fisheries Science Center for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to fisheries research activities.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Not yet available.
Permit application from Graham A.J. Worthy, Ph.D., to conduct research on West Indian manatees.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Request for comments on the interpretation of the terms (1) “significantly altered from their natural form,” (2) “dwells on the coast,” or (3) “large-scale mass production,” as they pertain to Alaska natives’ taking of sea otters
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Permit application from SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment, Inc., for authorization to import one walrus from the Netherlands.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Permit application from Rachel Cartwright, Ph.D., to conduct research on cetaceans in Hawaii, Alaska, and California.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from the Seattle Department of Transportation for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to replacement of the Elliott Bay Seawall in Seattle.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit renewal and amendment application from Scripps Institution of Oceanography to conduct research on 35 cetacean species or stocks in the Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit renewal application from Samuel Wasser, Ph.D., to collect killer whale fecal samples to investigate hypotheses related to the decline of the southern resident killer whale.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Permit renewal application from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to conduct research on West Indian manatees.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Permit application from Silverback Films Ltd. to film dolphin strand-feeding events in waters of Bull Creek and Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit application from Paul Nachtigall, Ph.D., to conduct hearing, echolocation, and behavioral studies on four captive cetaceans.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from the Office of Naval Research for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to acoustic technology experiments in the western North Pacific Ocean.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit amendment from Colleen Reichmuth, Ph.D., to add temporary threshold shift (TTS) studies for captive ice seals under her current permit.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit application from Daniel Costa, Ph.D., to conduct research on California sea lions from California to Washington.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit application from Yoko Mitani, Ph.D., to conduct research on killer and gray whales in Alaskan waters.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Draft report “Arctic Marine Transportation System: Overview and Priorities for Action”.
U.S. Department of Transportation
Discontinuing recommendations that are incorporated as standard conditions in permits issued for marine mammal research for public display.
National Marine Fisheries Service and Fish and Wildlife Service
No response necessary.
Application from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to a marine geophysical survey in the northeast Atlantic Ocean.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit application from Brian Skerry for authorization to film dolphins in Florida and Hawaii.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit application from Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center to renew and amend a permit to conduct research and enhancement activities on Hawaiian monk seals.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Discontinuing recommendations that are incorporated as standard conditions in permits issued for marine mammal research and photography.
National Marine Fisheries Service and Fish and Wildlife Service
No response necessary.
Proposed rule regarding timing requirements for submitting a site assessment plan or general activities plan for renewable energy projects on the Outer Continental Shelf.
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Application from the U.S. Geological Survey to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to a marine geophysical survey to be conducted in the Gulf of Mexico.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Review of the draft North Pacific Right Whale Recovery Plan.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from the U.S. Geological Survey to conduct research on captive polar bears.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Application from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to a marine geophysical survey to be conducted along the mid-Atlantic Ridge.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Issues related to procedures for revising consensus agreements reached by the Harbor Porpoise Take Reduction Team.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from the Washington State Department of Transportation Ferries Division to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to replacement of structures at the Orcas Island and Friday Harbor ferry terminals in the San Juan Islands, Washington.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from the Washington State Department of Transportation Ferries Division to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to replacement of structures at the Bremerton ferry terminal in Puget Sound, Washington.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Intent to prepare an environmental assessment for commercial wind leasing and site assessment in offshore waters of North Carolina.
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Not yet available.
Application from the U.S. Navy to take marine mammals incidental to proposed training and testing within the Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing Study Area.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from the U.S. Navy to take marine mammals incidental to proposed training and testing within the Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing Study Area over a five-year period.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from Cape Wind Associates for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to a high-resolution geophysical survey in Nantucket Sound.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Critical habitat and 4(d) rule for Beringia and Okhotsk distinct population segments of the bearded seal; the Arctic, Okhotsk, and Baltic subspecies of the ringed seal; and the Ladoga subspecies of ringed seal.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Not yet available.
Permit application from SeaWorld for authorization to import one Pacific white-sided dolphin from Japan.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application for permit renewal and amendment from the Clark R. Bavin National Fish and Wildlife Forensic Laboratory to acquire, possess, import, and export samples of sea otters, manatees, dugongs, polar bears, walruses and marine otters.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Application for permit renewal and amendment from the U.S. Geological Survey to conduct research on walruses in Alaska and surrounding waters.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Support for the efforts of the National Marine Fisheries Service to extend the 10-knot speed limit for vessels entering major east coast ports to protect North Atlantic right whales
Office of Management and Budget
Permit application from Dr. Paul Koch for authorization to import into the United States mummified remains from four species of seals in Antarctica.
National Science Foundation
Permit amendment requests from Joseph Mobley to conduct cetacean research off the U.S. coasts, Hawaii, Guam and the Mariana Islands; from Ann Zoidis, to conduct research on humpback and minke whales in Hawaiian waters; and Jim Darling, Ph.D., to conduct research on humpback whales in Hawaiian waters and humpback and gray whales in waters off Washington and Alaska.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Permit application from Peter Rogers, Ph.D., for authorization to conduct research on stranded cetaceans along U.S. coasts to assess the elastic properties of their head tissues.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from the Alaska Oil and Gas Association for authorization to take polar bears and Pacific walruses incidental to oil and gas exploration activities in the Chukchi Sea and the adjacent western coast of Alaska.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Petition to delist the southern resident killer whale as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Application from St. George Reef Lighthouse Preservation Society to take pinnipeds by harassment incidental to aircraft operations, restoration, and maintenance at the St. George Reef Light Station on Northwest Seal Rock off the coast of Crescent City, California.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Intent to prepare an environmental assessment for an interim policy lease for Southern Company Research and Environmental Affairs to collect renewable energy data off Georgia.
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Application from Apache Alaska Corporation for authorization to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to a 3D seismic survey in Cook Inlet, Alaska.
National Marine Fisheries Service