Marine Mammal Commission Annual Meetings

Harbor seal and pup. (Dr. Brandon Southall, NMFS)
Each calendar year, the Marine Mammal Commission holds its annual meeting in a different region of the country to examine regional issues, as well as priority topics at the national and global levels. At our annual meetings, we engage other federal agencies, stakeholders, and interested members of the public on the science, policy, and management issues related to the Commission’s mission to conserve marine mammals and their ecosystems.
Browse the links below to view meeting agendas, session summaries, and presentation materials from our most recent meetings.
Due to concerns regarding COVID-19, the Marine Mammal Commission decided not to host its Annual Meeting during the years of 2020-2022. Instead, the Commission hosted webinars and workshops virtually, which can be viewed at our Other Events and Meetings page.
Story Map
Visit our new Meeting Story page for a more interactive tool to explore the content of our 2019 Annual Meeting in Kona, Hawaii.
Previous Meetings
*2024 Working Meeting of the Commission*
2023 Annual Meeting – Washington, D.C.
2020 Annual Meeting – New Orleans, Louisiana (Canceled)
2019 Annual Meeting – Kona, Hawaii
2018 Annual Meeting – Seattle, Washington
2017 Annual Meeting – North Falmouth, Massachusetts
2016 Arctic Listening Sessions
2015 Annual Meeting – Charleston, South Carolina