Project and Workshop Reports
On numerous occasions, the Marine Mammal Commission, working either independently or in cooperation with other federal agencies or organizations, has organized and sponsored workshops on issues of current concern or interest. In most instances, these workshops result in a formal report that is made available to government and scientific communities, and the public.
Selected reports resulting from these Commission-sponsored workshops and related activities are provided below.
North Atlantic Right Whale Tagging Workshop Report
February 2024
Workshop convened by the Marine Mammal Commission, NOAA Fisheries, and the Office of Naval Research in collaboration with Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Marine Mammal Health Surveillance Workshop Report
January 2024
Workshop convened by the Marine Mammal Commission with support from the National Marine Fisheries Service’s Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program. Prepared by Lori H. Schwacke, Ph.D., Frances M.D. Gulland, Vet. M.B. Ph.D., and Lauri Leach, Marine Mammal Commission.
Mississippi Bottlenose Dolphin Workshop
January 2021
Workshop convened by the National Marine Fisheries Service and moderated by the Commission. Summary prepared by Victoria R. Cornish, Marine Mammal Commission.
Co-Management of Marine Mammals in Alaska: A Case Study-Based Review
July 2019
Review conducted by the Marine Mammal Commission with funding provided by the North Pacific Research Board. Prepared by Dr. Jennafer C. Malek, Ph.D. and Victoria R. Cornish, Marine Mammal Commission.

Humpback whale lunge-feeding on schooling fish off Vancouver Island, taken from an APH-22 hexacopter at >100ft altitude (J. Durban, H. Fearnbach, SWFSC; in collaboration with L. Barrett-Lennard, Vancouver Aquarium; DFO License #2016_18).
West Coast ‘Ropeless’ Fishing Gear Meeting
July 2018
Co-organized by the Marine Mammal Commission and Oceana. Summary prepared for the Marine Mammal Commission by Geoff Shester, Oceana.
Development and Use of UASs for Surveying Marine Mammals
December 2016
Jointly sponsored by the Marine Mammal Commission and National Marine Fisheries Service. Report prepared by the Marine Mammal Commission with input from the National Marine Fisheries Service.
Passive Acoustic Surveying Workshop
July 2016
La Jolla, California
Jointly funded and co-convened by the Marine Mammal Commission and NOAA Fisheries.
Workshop on Best Approaches and Needs for Projecting Marine Mammal Distributions in a Changing Climate
January 2016
Santa Cruz, California
Jointly funded and co-convened by NOAA Fisheries Offices of Protected Resources and Science and Technology, and the Marine Mammal Commission.
Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Research and Monitoring Meeting: Summary Report
November 2015
New Orleans, Louisiana
Prepared by Victoria R. Cornish, Marine Mammal Commission.

Polar bear, Chukchi Plateau. (Kathy Crane, NOAA Arctic Research Office)
Responding to Oil Spills in the U.S. Arctic Marine Environment
July 2014
Sponsored by the Marine Mammal Commission.
Alaska Native Consultation & Co-Management Meeting
December 2012
Anchorage, Alaska
Prepared by the Environmental Law Institute.
Assessing the Long-term Effects of the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Marine Mammals in the Gulf of Mexico: A Statement of Research Needs
August 2011
Prepared by the Marine Mammal Commission.
Mariculture and Harbor Seals in Drakes Estero, California
November 22, 2011
Prepared by the Marine Mammal Commission.
Review of Co-management Efforts in Alaska
February 6-8, 2008
Anchorage, Alaska
Prepared by the Marine Mammal Commission.

A North Pacific humpback whale dives in the waters around Maui, Hawaii. (Shutterstock)
Underwater Sound and the Marine Mammal Acoustic Environment: A Guide to Fundamental Principles
July 2008
Prepared for the Marine Mammal Commission by David L. Bradley, Ph.D. and Richard Stern, Ph.D.
A Framework for Monitoring Arctic Marine Mammals
March 2007
Valencia, Spain
Sponsored by the Marine Mammal Commission and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
Policy on Sound and Marine Mammals: An International Workshop
September 28-30, 2004
London, England
Prepared for the Marine Mammal Commission and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee by Erin Vos and Randall R. Reeves.
Future Directions in Marine Mammal Research: Report of the Marine Mammal Commission Consultation
August 4-7, 2003
Portland, Oregon
Prepared for the Marine Mammal Commission by Randall R. Reeves and Timothy J. Ragen.

Young monk seal, French Frigate Shoals, NWHI. Photo taken under NMFS permit #10137-07. (Mark Sullivan, NOAA)
Workshop on the Management of Hawaiian Monk Seals on Beaches in the Main Hawaiian Islands
October 29-31, 2002
Kauai, Hawaii
Co-sponsored by the Marine Mammal Commission, National Marine Fisheries Service, and Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources.
Impacts of Changes in Sea Ice and Other Environmental Parameters in the Arctic
February 15-17, 2000
Girdwood, Alaska
Report by the Marine Mammal Commission. Co-convened by Robert H. Mattlin, Ph.D., John E. Reynolds, III, Ph.D., Henry P. Huntington, Ph.D., and Caleb Pungowiyi.
Marine Mammals and Persistent Ocean Contaminants
October 12-15, 1998
Keystone, Colorado
Co-sponsored by the Marine Mammal Commission, U.S. Geological Survey, National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.