Marine Mammal Commission

2010 Marine Mammal Commission Letters and Agency Responses

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2010 Commission letters are provided as PDF files below. Download times of large PDFs will vary based on connection speed. Additional information on PDFs.

Please note that Agency responses can be found in Appendix A of the Commission’s 2010-2011 annual report.


Request from Terrie Williams, Ph.D., for amendment of an existing permit.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to construction on the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft environmental assessment for a marine geophysical survey off Costa Rica.

View Letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources for authorization to conduct research on North Atlantic right whales.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Scott D. Kraus, Ph.D., New England Aquarium, to conduct research on North Atlantic right whales.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from ABR, Inc. Environmental Research and Services for authorization to take by harassment 11 species of marine mammals in Alaska waters.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed creation of a research area within the sanctuary for purposes of comparative ecosystem research.

View Letter

Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary

See notation at top of page.

Interim final rule on increased safety measures for energy development on the outer continental shelf.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Northwest Fisheries Science Center to amend an existing permit.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Petition to designate the eastern North Pacific population of gray whales as depleted under the Marine Mammal Protection Act.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft supplemental environmental impact statement for the Chukchi Sea Planning Area Oil and Gas Lease Sale 193.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement

See notation at top of page.

Draft programmatic environmental impact statement on Foundation-supported marine seismic research.

View Letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Proposed authorization to take certain endangered and threatened stocks of marine mammals incidental to Alaska groundfish fisheries.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Navy for authorization to take gray whales, bottlenose dolphins, California sea lions, and harbor seals incidental to military training operations at the Silver Strand Training Complex, California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from O. Lyamin, University of California at Los Angeles, for authorization to import brain samples from fur seals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Navy for authorization to take small numbers of marine mammals incidental to military training operations in the Gulf of Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Intent to prepare a programmatic environmental impact statement on possible new recovery actions for Hawaiian monk seals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Air Force for authorization to take small numbers of Atlantic bottlenose dolphins incidental to military training operations in the Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Review of categorical exclusions for outer continental shelf decisions.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement

See notation at top of page.

Request from Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for renewal and amendment of an existing permit.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft 2010 stock assessment reports for marine mammals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Implementation of the Endangered Species Act.

View Letter

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

See notation at top of page.

National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling.

View Letter

U.S. Department of Energy

See notation at top of page.

Request from Randall S. Wells, Ph.D., for authorization to conduct research on bottlenose dolphins off Florida.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Gulf Coast Restoration Task Force.

View Letter

Environmental Protection Agency

See notation at top of page.

Request from Indianapolis Zoological Society, Inc., for authorization to maintain a juvenile male walrus.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Service’s Marine Mammals Management Office for renewal and amendment of an existing permit involving polar bears.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Restoration Center for authorization to take harbor seals incidental to construction activities in Monterey County, California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request to revise the U.S. Navy’s letter of authorization regarding missile launches at San Nicolas Island, California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Review of management plan for the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary.

View Letter

National Ocean Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Thomas Postel for authorization to harass up 100 Florida manatees during filming activities in Blue Spring State Park, Florida.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

National Climate Assessment

View Letter

U.S. Global Change Research Program

See notation at top of page.

Request from Knik Arm Bridge and Toll Authority for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to construction of the Knik Arm Bridge, Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Paul Ponganis, Ph.D., for authorization to conduct research on leopard seals in Antarctica.

View Letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Request from George Church, Ph.D., for authorization to acquire and maintain cells from stranded bowhead whales.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to a marine seismic survey in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from James T. Harvey, Ph.D., for authorization to conduct research on blue, fin, humpback, and gray whales and to take six other marine mammal species by incidental harassment off California, Oregon, and Washington.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Iskande Larkin, Ph.D., for renewal and amendment of an existing permit involving West Indian manatees.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Daniel P. Costa, Ph.D., to modify an existing permit involving Weddell seals.

View Letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Request from Pennsylvania State University for authorization to import blood samples from polar bears taken in Norway.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Priorities for ocean pollution research.

View Letter

U.S. Coast Guard

See notation at top of page.

Draft biological opinion for the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands, and Gulf of Alaska groundfish fisheries section 7 consultation.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Washington State Department of Natural Resources for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to removal of pilings and structures in Puget Sound.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Gregory D. Bossart, V.M.D., for amendment of an existing permit involving bottlenose dolphins.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from EcoHealth Alliance, Inc., to amend an existing permit involving manatees.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Advance notice of proposed rulemaking concerning imports of fish and fish products.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from U.S. Geological Survey to amend an existing permit involving polar bears.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Notice of proposed rulemaking regarding the List of Fisheries for 2011.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the North Slope Borough for amendment of an existing permit involving polar bears.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Vince Bacalan, American University, for authorization to obtain samples of manatee skeletal material.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Seattle Aquarium for authorization to import tissue samples from northern sea otters.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Restoration Center to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to construction activities in Monterey County, California.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Exploratorium for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to pile driving activities in San Francisco, California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

The U.S. Navy’s Integrated Comprehensive Monitoring Program.

View Letter

U.S. Navy, Chief of Naval Operations

See notation at top of page.

Draft Next-Generation Strategic Plan.

View Letter

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

See notation at top of page.

Need for consultation with Alaska Natives on activities that may affect them.

View Letter

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

See notation at top of page.

Request from SeaWorld, LLC, for authorization to import one male short-finned pilot whale.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Bluewater Wind LLC for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to pile- driving activities off Delaware and New Jersey.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Northeast Gateway Energy Bridge, LLC, for renewal of an existing incidental harassment authorization.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Geological Survey for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to a marine seismic survey in the Beaufort Sea and Arctic Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Daniel P. Costa, Ph.D., for amendment of an existing permit involving crabeater, Weddell, and Ross seals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

U.S. Navy’s revised draft marine mammal monitoring plan for missile launch activities on San Nicolas Island, California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from James T. Harvey, Ph.D., for amendment of an existing permit involving harbor seals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Bruce Mate, Ph.D., for authorization to take gray whales by deliberate harassment and six other marine mammal species by incidental harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Native involvement in co-management efforts in Alaska.

View Letter

Association of Village Council Presidents

See notation at top of page.

Request from the National Museum of Natural History to collect, import, export and possess salvaged specimens from all species of marine mammals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Michael Adkesson, D.V.M., Chicago Zoological Society, to import and possess samples collected from South American fur seals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft Arctic Vision and Strategy document.

View Letter

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

See notation at top of page.

Request from Peter Tyack, Ph.D., to amend an existing permit authorizing research on non-threatened, non-endangered cetaceans.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Statoil USA E&P for authorization to harass marine mammals incidental to a marine seismic survey in the Chukchi Sea.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Colleen Reichmuth, Ph.D., to amend an existing permit authorizing research on impacts of human sound on marine mammals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Terrie Williams, Ph.D., to amend an existing research permit.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Institute for Marine Mammal Science to acquire stranded California sea lions for public display.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County for renewal of an existing permit.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Alaska Department of Transportation and Aleutians East Borough for authorization to harass northern sea otters.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Alaska Science Center, USGS, to amend an existing permit.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Marine Corps for authorization to harass marine mammals incidental to training exercises at the Cherry Point Range Complex.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Five-year review of population status of southern resident killer whales.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement for the Outer Continental Shelf Oil & Gas Leasing Program, 2012–2017.

View Letter

Minerals Management Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft environmental impact statement on proposed management alternatives for the American lobster fishery in U.S. waters.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permits for oil-spill related marine mammal research in the Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Efforts to recover the Cook Inlet beluga whale population.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Shell Offshore Inc. for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment in the northwest Pacific Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Efforts to prevent the extinction of the Hawaiian monk seal and to conserve cetaceans in the North Pacific Ocean.

View Letter

Department of Commerce

See notation at top of page.

Request from Neptune LNG LLC for authorization to take marine mammals, including the North Atlantic right whale, by harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft environmental impact statement on proposed resumption of year-round firing opportunities at Fort Richardson, Alaska.

View Letter

Department of the Army

See notation at top of page.

Request from National Marine Mammal Laboratory to take marine mammals by harassment, various locations.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from University of Florida to acquire, import, export and maintain sample parts from cetaceans and pinnipeds.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Georgia Aquarium to import captive-born bottlenose dolphins from the Bahamas and Bermuda.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Chicago Zoological Society to import two captive bottlenose dolphins from Bermuda.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Protection of spinner dolphins in the Hawaiian archipelago.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Information collection requirements related to marine mammal stranding program.

View Letter

Department of Commerce

See notation at top of page.

Information collection requirements related to the incidental take of marine mammals.

View Letter

Department of Commerce

See notation at top of page.

Guidelines for safely deterring polar bears.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Shell Offshore, Inc., for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Daniel Costa, Ph.D., for authorization to harass northern elephant seals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game for authorization to take cetaceans by harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Development of a national aquaculture policy.

View Letter

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

See notation at top of page.

Agency responsibilities for cetacean research and management in the Pacific Islands region.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Agency involvement in Hawaiian monk recovery in the Kalaupapa National Historical Park.

View Letter

National Park Service

See notation at top of page.

Agency responsibilities for Hawaiian monk seal recovery efforts.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Agency involvement with the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument.

View Letter

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

See notation at top of page.

Agency contributions to Hawaiian monk seal recovery efforts.

View Letter

Hawaii Board of Land and Natural Resources

See notation at top of page.

Agency contributions to Hawaiian monk seal recovery efforts.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Coast Guard contributions to Hawaiian monk seal recovery efforts.

View Letter

U.S. Coast Guard

See notation at top of page.

Request from B. Woodward for authorization to take cetaceans by harassment during development and testing of tagging devices.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Preliminary revised 5-year Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2007–2010.

View Letter

Minerals Management Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Sea World of Texas for authorization to import a male beluga whale from the Vancouver Aquarium.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Louisville Zoo for authorization to import a female South African fur seal from the Toronto Zoo.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Sea Studios Foundation for authorization to take by Level B harassment up to 15 southern sea otters during filming activities.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Daniel Costa, Ph.D., to amend a scientific research permit to study northern elephant seals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Continued development of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System.

View Letter

U.S. Geological Survey

See notation at top of page.

Request from the National Marine Mammal Laboratory for authorization to continue research on seals in northern oceans.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Robert Rockwell for authorization to import hair and scat samples from Canadian polar bears.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Service’s Boguerón, Puerto Rico, office for authorization to rescue, rehabilitate, and release Antillean manatees in Puerto Rico.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Reestablishment of Florida Manatee Recovery Team and warm-water task force.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Continuation of reporting requirements involving import/export of fishing, wildlife, and plants.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit and notification requirements related to the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument.

View Letter

Office of Management and Budget

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Washington State Department of Transportation for authorization to take various species of seals incidental to replacing the Manette Bridge in Bremerton.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Revision of an earlier permit request from NMFS Office of Science and Technology for authorization to conduct research on cetaceans.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Andrew Read, Ph.D., for amendment of existing permit involving tagging beaked whales in the Southern Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Paul Ponganis, Ph.D., for authorization to harass leopard seals during research on prey intake rates.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Intent to prepare an environmental impact statement on the effects of oil and gas activities in the Arctic Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Establishment and application of categorical exclusions under the National Environmental Policy Act.

View Letter

Council on Environmental Quality

See notation at top of page.

Request from Florida Atlantic University for authorization to harass cetaceans during surveys in the Straits of Florida and Gulf Stream Current.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from FWS Jacksonville (FL) field office for renewal of an enhancement permit involving Florida manatees.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Support for a resolution to develop public service announcements for use on commercial flights to Hawaii on importance of protecting the Hawaiian monk seal.

View Letter

Hawaii State Senate

See notation at top of page.

Request from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory for authorization to harass marine mammals incidental to seismic surveys off the Northern Mariana Islands.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Notice of intent to prepare a recovery plan for the Cook Inlet beluga whale.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from NMFS Alaska Region for authorization of take of northern fur seals incidental to repairing research towers on St. Paul Island, Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposal to authorize three-year incidental take of humpback whales in Hawaii-based longline fisheries..

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Continuation of reporting requirements regarding interactions between southern sea otters and the Pacific sardine fishery.

View Letter

Department of Commerce

See notation at top of page.

Proposed survey of public perceptions and attitudes about Hawaiian monk seals.

View Letter

Department of Commerce

See notation at top of page.

Proposal rule to revise and add guidelines for scientific peer review pursuant to National Standard 2 of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from the National Marine Fisheries Service to reduce shark predation on monk seas pups at French Frigate Shoals by the lethal removal of up to 20 Galapagos sharks.

View Letter

Hawaii Board of Land and Natural Resources

See notation at top of page.

Continuation of reporting requirements under the International Dolphin Conservation Program Act.

View Letter

Department of Commerce

See notation at top of page.

Proposed issuance of an exempted fishing permit to test fixed fishing gear for lobsters.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule to restrict entry into U.S. ports by vessels that engage in illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposal to survey visitors to national wildlife refuges to gather information on use.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed designation of critical habitat for the endangered Cook Inlet (Alaska) stock of beluga whales.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Navy for authorization to take by Level A and B harassment small numbers of 15 species of cetaceans and 5 species of pinnipeds over a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Suggested scope of activities for the False Killer Whale Take Reduction Team.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Air Force for authorization to take small numbers of Atlantic bottlenose dolphins by Level B harassment in the Gulf of Mexico over a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Interim Framework for Effective Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning.

View Letter

Council on Environmental Quality

See notation at top of page.

Request from Douglas P. Nowacek, Ph.D., for modification of a permit authorizing research on humpback and minke whales under the Antarctic Conservation Act.

View Letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Planned status review of the insular population of false killers whales in Hawaii.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed reporting requirements for the National Ocean Recreation Expenditure Survey.

View Letter

Department of Commerce

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from the Seward Association for the Advancement of Marine Science, Alaska SeaLife Center, regarding the transport and maintenance of marine mammals.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from the Alaska SeaLife Center, for authorization to acquire, possess, import, and export samples taken from cetaceans and pinnipeds.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft environmental impact statement/overseas environmental impact statement regarding proposed Navy activities in the Gulf of Alaska.

View Letter

Navy Facilities Engineering Command

See notation at top of page.

Continuation of reporting requirements under the Endangered Species Act relative to importing or exporting fish, wildlife, and plants.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from SeaWorld, Inc., to import a male pilot whale from Kamogawa SeaWorld in Japan to SeaWorld San Diego.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from California Department of Transportation for authorization to take small numbers of California sea lions and harbor seals by Level B harassment incidental to retrofitting the Antioch Bridge.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from Beth Shapiro to obtain and import blood and tissue samples collected from polar bears in Canada.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from Pontecorvo Productions to take up to 20 polar bears by Level B harassment during filming activities in the Beaufort Sea area.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from Dolphin Quest Hawaii to import two captive-born adult male bottlenose dolphins from Dolphin Quest Bermuda for public display.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule and environmental assessment of measures to protect killer whales in Washington’s inland waters.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Revised final draft of the state’s endangered and threatened species listing process rule.

View Letter

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from John Downer Productions to take by Level B harassment an unspecified number of northern sea otters during filming activities in Kachemak Bay, Alaska.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from California Department of Transportation for authorization to take small numbers of California sea lions, harbor seals, and gray whales by Level B harassment incidental to retrofitting the Dumbarton Bridge.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit amendment request from James T. Harvey, Ph.D., involving research on harbor seals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from Douglas Nowacek, Ph.D., to take by harassment annually up to 80 North Atlantic right whales.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed changes to regulations governing the operations and administration of regional fishery management councils.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

2011 Marine Mammal Commission Letters and Agency Responses

Browse all letters: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 202020192018 | 20172016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

2011 Commission letters are provided as PDF files below. Download times of large PDFs will vary based on connection speed. Additional information on PDFs.

Please note that Agency responses can be found in Appendix A of the Commission’s 2010-2011 annual report.


Request from Peter Tyack, Ph.D., to amend a permit to conduct research on cetaceans in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea by adding procedures, focal species, and a new project in the Pacific Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to a marine geophysical survey in the waters of the Northern Mariana Islands from February through March 2012.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from Ann Pabst, Ph.D., for authorization to conduct systematic line transect surveys for marine mammals off the U.S. east coast during a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Northwest Fisheries Science Center for authorization to conduct research on 37 specified cetacean species, unidentified beaked and baleen whales, and pinnipeds.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for authorization to take Atlantic bottlenose dolphins incidental to blasting operations in the Port of Miami, Florida.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Rachel Cartwright, Ph.D., to amend a current permit to allow tagging of female humpback whales with calves and yearlings in Hawaii.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Brandon Southall, Ph.D., to amend a current permit to add potential focal species and increase the number of controlled exposure experiments with cetaceans and pinnipeds in waters off Southern California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from SeaWorld, Inc., for authorization to conduct research on captive Hawaiian monk seals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed modifications to the Navy’s letter of authorization governing the taking of marine mammals incidental to military training operations in the Hawaii Range Complex
*See Jan. 17, 2012 letter

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Marine Corps for authorization to take Atlantic bottlenose dolphins incidental to training exercises at the Cherry Point Range Complex, North Carolina.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Navy for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to a seismic oceanographic survey in the southwestern Indian Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Daniela Maldini, Ph.D., Pacific Whale foundation, to study humpback whales in Hawaii over a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposal to amend regulations governing the taking of marine mammals incidental to Navy training and testing operations in 12 range complexes.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Shell Offshore, Inc., for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to offshore exploratory drilling in Camden Bay, Beaufort Sea, Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Shell Offshore, Inc., for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to offshore exploratory drilling in Chukchi Sea, Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the National Marine Mammal Laboratory for a permit amendment to authorize harassment of ribbon, spotted, bearded, and ringed seals during low-level aerial surveys.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Alaska SeaLife Center to amend its permit authorizing the taking by harassment of up to five captive adult Steller sea lions to study reproductive physiology of individuals from the eastern population.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Daniel Costa, Ph.D., University of California Santa Cruz, for authorization to collect samples from dead pinnipeds at Cape Evans, Backdoor Bay, and Hut Point, Antarctica.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed changes to the Navy’s letters of authorization governing the taking of marine mammals incidental to training exercises conducted in the Virginia Capes, Cherry Point, and Jacksonville Range Complexes
*See Jan. 17, 2012 letter

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments on the draft 2011 stock assessment reports for marine mammals occurring in U.S. waters.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request for permit amendment from Paul Ponganis, Ph.D., University of California San Diego, for authorization to study California sea lions and to harass sea lions, harbor seals, northern elephant seals, and fur seals incidental to the research.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from The Whale Museum for authorization to monitor vessel activities around southern resident killer whales in Washington over a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to wharf construction in San Francisco.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from John Wise, Ph.D., University of Southern Maine, for authorization to receive, import, and export samples from cetaceans and pinnipeds for scientific research.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Recommendation that Hawaiian monk seal recovery efforts be funded to at least $5.6 million for 2012.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Recommendations intended to improve the Air Force’s efforts to manage impacts on marine mammals and marine ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

Air Force (Eglin Air Force Base)

See notation at top of page.

Recommendations intended to improve the Navy’s efforts to manage its impacts on marine mammals and marine ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

Navy (Go-Mex Range Complex)

See notation at top of page.

Intent to prepare an environmental impact statement to establish quotas for bowhead whale subsistence harvest by Alaska Natives.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Thomas Jefferson, Ph.D., Clymene Enterprises, for authorization to conduct research on cetaceans off the California coast over a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments on the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force.

View Letter

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

See notation at top of page.

Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement on Hawaiian monk seal recovery actions.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule to terminate the translocation program for southern sea otters at San Nicolas Island.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Apache Alaska Corporation application to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to seismic survey in Cook Inlet, Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory’s application to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to marine geophysical survey.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, to lethally remove pinnipeds preying on endangered and threatened stocks of salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Recommendations on the 2011 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement/Supplemental Overseas Environmental Impact Statement (DSEIS) for Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low Frequency Active sonar.

View Letter

U.S. Navy

See notation at top of page.

Request from Cape Wind Associates for authorization to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments on the False Killer Whale Take Reduction Plan.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

2011 Marine Mammal Commission annual meeting follow up on agency response efforts to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill and ongoing assessment of natural resource damage.

View Letter

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

See notation at top of page.

2011 Marine Mammal Commission annual meeting follow up on research and support monitoring programs that continue/extend better management of the Gulf of Mexico’s marine ecosystem.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources for authorization to take small numbers of harbor seals by harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Recommendations on call for information and nominations and notice of intent to prepare an environmental assessment on commercial wind lease issuance and site characterization for activities in waters off Rhode Island and Massachusetts.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

See notation at top of page.

2011 Marine Mammal Commission annual meeting follow up on Cook Inlet beluga whale conservation.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Navy for regulations under the Marine Mammal Protection Act authorizing the taking of marine mammals incidental to training, testing, and routine military operations using the Navy’s Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low Frequency Active sonar source.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

2011 Marine Mammal Commission annual meeting follow up on assessments of marine mammal stocks in the Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

2011 Marine Mammal Commission annual meeting follow up on Florida manatee conservation.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

2011 Marine Mammal Commission annual meeting follow up on Louisiana’s response to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill and the state’s role in restoration activities.

View Letter

Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

See notation at top of page.

2011 Marine Mammal Commission annual meeting follow up on Florida’s response to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill and the state’s role in restoration activities.

View Letter

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

See notation at top of page.

2011 Marine Mammal Commission annual meeting follow up on Alabama’s response to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill and the state’s role in restoration activities.

View Letter

Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

See notation at top of page.

2011 Marine Mammal Commission annual meeting follow up on Mississippi’s response to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill and the state’s role in restoration activities.

View Letter

Mississippi Department of Marine Resources

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Port of Vancouver for authorization to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Brent Stewart, Ph.D., J.D., to renew permits authorizing research on pinnipeds in California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Geo-Marine, Inc. for authorization to conduct systematic line transect surveys for marine mammals off the east coast of the United States.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Robert DiGiovanni for authorization to conduct surveys for marine mammals off the east coast of the United States.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments on the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Recommendations on fishery management issues that warrant further consideration and action, particularly related to observer programs, research and relocation trawls, and recreational fishing and boating.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Michael Adkesson, D.V.M., to amend permit authorizing scientific research on South American fur seals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Recommendations on the research and management activities needed to determine the causes of unusual marine mammal mortality events and to prevent or minimize these events’ effects on ecosystems of the northern Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Red Rock Films for authorization to take up to 25 individual polar bears by harassment during filming activities in the North Slope Region and Arctic National Wildlife refuge of Alaska.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Sea to Shore Alliance for authorization to conduct research on West Indian manatees and to export/import samples collected from West African manatees.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Daniel P. Costa, Ph.D., to amend permit authorizing scientific research on various seal species and California sea lions.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography for authorization to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to renew and amend permit authorization to conduct research on harbor seals in Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from David Honig for authorization to import whale bones for scientific research.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Iskande Larkin to import samples from West Indian manatees for purposes of scientific research.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule to establish a manatee refuge in Kings Bay, Citrus County, Florida.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule to establish a manatee refuge in Kings Bay, Citrus County, Florida.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Recommendations on Service’s Policy for Distinguishing Serious from Non-Serious Injuries of Marine Mammals.

View Letter

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

See notation at top of page.

Recommendations on NOAA’s Scientific Integrity Policy and Handbook.

View Letter

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Southwest Fisheries Science Center for authorization to conduct research on pinnipeds in Antarctica.

View Letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Air Force to renew its authorization to take incidentally small numbers of marine mammals by harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Recommendations to the U.S. Department of State regarding vaquita conservation in the Gulf of California.

View Letter

U.S. Department of State

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Southwest Fisheries Science Center for authorization to conduct research on pinniped species in Antarctica.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Review of the Bureau of Ocean Energy, Management, Regulation, and Enforcement’s draft environmental assessment on Commercial Wind Lease Issuance and Site Characterization Activities on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy, Management, Regulation, and Enforcement

See notation at top of page.

Review of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Draft Evaluation of the Southern Sea Otter Translocation Program.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the University of Alaska Geophysics Institute for authorization to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from BP Exploration for new regulations authorizing the take of small numbers of marine mammals incidental to the operation of its Northstar Facility, Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

National Marine Fisheries Service proposed rules to expand critical habitat boundaries for the endangered Hawaiian monk seal.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Transmission of Commission report, “Assessing the Long-term Effects of the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Marine Mammals in the Gulf of Mexico: A Statement of Research Needs”.

View Letter

Ocean, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard Subcommittee, U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rulemaking regarding the List of Fisheries for 2012.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for authorization to conduct research on walruses in the Bering and Chukachi Seas.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Gulf and South Atlantic Fisheries Foundation, Inc. for an exempted fishing permit.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement for authorization to take small numbers of cetaceans incidental to oil and gas industry-sponsored surveys.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Dr. Tom Smith for amendments to the authorization to harass 18 polar bears while conducting den monitoring in Alaska.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Matson’s Laboratory, LLC to import more than 500 polar bear teeth per year.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Blank Park Zoo to import up to five non-releasable harbor seals or California sea lions for public display.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Geological Survey to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Dr. Jennifer Lewis to conduct research on bottlenose dolphins.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to conduct field work to study Pacific walruses.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Amendment of regulations governing the taking of marine mammals incidental to military training operations.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Robert Pitman to amend permit to conduct research on cetaceans in the Antarctic.

View Letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Request from PRBO Conservation Science to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of Trinidad Rancheria to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Statoil USA E&P Inc. to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Geological Survey to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Glacier Bay National Park and Reserve to conduct research on humpback, killer, and minke whales in southeastern Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Navy to obtain up to six stranded, non-releasable, neonate, male or female sea lion pups from The Marine Mammal Center (CA).

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Geological Survey, The Sirenia Project, to conduct research on West Indian manatees.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Alaska SeaLife Center to conduct research on Weddell seals in Antarctica.

View Letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Request from Waikiki Aquarium to hold up to three permanently captive Hawaiian monk seals at any given time.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Oceanic Nature Film Productions to take marine mammals by Level B harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory for authorization to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Dr. Rebecca Dickhut to import samples of marine mammal species for scientific research.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Dr. Paul Nachtigall to conduct research on 38 cetacean species.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Recommendations on draft environmental assessment for public display permit for sea lions at the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies (MS).

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments on the development of a port access route study for U.S. waters in the Bering Strait.

View Letter

U.S. Department of Transportation

See notation at top of page.

Request from United Launch Alliance to renew authorization to take marine mammals incidental to launch activities at Vandenberg Air Force Base.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the National Marine Mammal Laboratory to amend an existing permit authorizing research on Steller sea lions.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from North Pacific Universities Marine Mammal Research Consortium to amend an existing permit authorizing research on pinnipeds.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Mithriel MacKay, Texas A&M University, for authorization to conduct research on humpback whales in waters off Puerto Rico.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Alaska Department of Fish and Game to renew and amend an existing permit to conduct research on pinnipeds.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Mote Marine Laboratory to renew an existing permit to harass manatees.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Requests from the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities and the Aleutians East Borough to renew authorizations to take northern sea otters by harassment.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Geological Survey for authorization to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the National Marine Fisheries Service for authorization to remove 19 Galapagos sharks from waters around French Frigate Shoals.

View Letter

Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Sonoma County (CA) Water Agency to renew its authorization to take marine mammals by harassment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Potential for wind energy production in marine areas off Massachusetts.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement

See notation at top of page.

Request from Alaska SeaLife Center for authorization to conduct research on Weddell seals in Antarctica.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the National Marine Mammal Laboratory to renew and amend an existing permit authorizing research on pinnipeds off the U.S. West Coast.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule and request from Alaska Oil and Gas Association for authorization to take polar bears and walruses in the Beaufort Sea and off the adjacent northern coast of Alaska.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Wild Horizons, Ltd., for authorization to harass Alaska sea otters during filming activities in Glacier Bay and Prince William Sound.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Robin Baird, Ph.D., for authorization to conduct research on 40 species of cetaceans and to harass 7 species of pinnipeds.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Intent to prepare an environmental impact statement on its 2012–2017 oil and gas leasing program in the Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule and 12-month finding on a petition to list certain subspecies of ringed seals under the Endangered Species Act.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule and 12-month finding on a petition to list the bearded seal under the Endangered Species Act.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center for amendment of an existing permit.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Navy for authorization to take small numbers of marine mammals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory to take small numbers of marine mammals incidental to a marine seismic survey in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Concern over scientific independence of the Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Recovery Team.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Jennifer Burns, Ph.D., to obtain, import, and export marine mammal samples.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

The Navy’s revised Integrated Comprehensive Monitoring Program plan.

View Letter

U.S. Navy

See notation at top of page.

Request from Alaska SeaLife Center for amendment of an existing permit.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Navy for authorization to take small numbers of marine mammals incidental to a test program in Hood Canal, Bangor, Washington.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Wild Horizons, Ltd., for authorization to harass bottlenose dolphins during filming activities.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Waikiki Aquarium for authorization to conduct research on captive Hawaiian monk seals and expand related enhancement efforts.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture for authorization to import and export marine mammal parts.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from R. Natalie Goodall to salvage and export skeletal remains of marine mammals from Antarctica.

View Letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Request from Dan Salden, Ph.D., for authorization to conduct research on cetaceans in Hawaii waters.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Alaska SeaLife Center for amendment of existing permit.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed delisting of the eastern distinct population of Steller sea lions.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed listing of the Hawaiian insular false killer whale as endangered.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Floragenex, Inc., for authorization to import tissue samples from polar bears.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft recovery plan for the distinct population segment of northern sea otters in southwest Alaska.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Neptune LNG LLC to take marine mammals incidental to operations of its deepwater port.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed interim final rule pertaining to Steller sea lion protection measures in the Alaska groundfish fisheries.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Aleut Community of St. Paul Island for amendment of an existing permit.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Craig Matkin, North Gulf Oceanic Society, for authorization to conduct research on cetaceans in Alaska waters.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Transfer of dolphins from the U.S. Navy to the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Randall Davis, Ph.D., for renewal of an existing permit.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the National Marine Mammal Laboratory for amendment of an existing permit.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Alaska Aerospace Corporation for authorization of incidental take of harbor seals and Steller sea lions relative to space launches.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Intent to prepare an environmental assessment for proposed seismic surveys in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

See notation at top of page.

Scientific independence of members of the Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Recovery Team.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request for revision of permit application, Thomas Postel.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Fish and Wildlife Service for authorization of incidental take of pinnipeds in Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from St. George Reef Lighthouse Preservation Society for authorization of incidental take of pinnipeds off California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Listing the Pacific walrus as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Intent to prepare a supplemental environment impact statement for oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement

See notation at top of page.

2009 Marine Mammal Commission Letters and Agency Responses

Browse all letters: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 202020192018 | 20172016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

2009 Commission letters are provided as PDF files below. Download times of large PDFs will vary based on connection speed. Additional information on PDFs.

Please note that Agency responses can be found in Appendix A of the Commission’s 2009 Annual Report.


Permit requests (9) from Whitlow Au, Ph.D.; Jim Darling, Ph.D.; Joseph Mobley, Jr.; Adam Pack, Ph.D.; Fred A. Sharpe, Ph.D., Janice Straley; Briana Witteveen, Ph.D., Ann Zoidis, and Rachel Cartwright, Ph.D., for authorization to take by harassment North Pacific humpback whales and various other species of cetaceans for scientific research

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Point Reyes Bird Observatory, Conservation Science, for authorization to take small numbers of California sea lions, Pacific harbor seals, northern elephant seals, and Steller sea lions by Level B harassment

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposal to designate critical habitat for the polar bear

View Letter

Department of the Interior

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from David E. Clapham, M.D., Ph.D., for authorization to import from Germany biological samples from polar bears collected in Canada

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from Robert Pilley for authorization to take by Level B harassment up to 112 Atlantic bottlenose dolphins annually over a two-year period

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule and 12-month finding regarding a petition to list the spotted seal under the Endangered Species Act

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from Natalija Lace, University of Southern Mississippi to take by harassment up to seven manatees being maintained for rehabilitation at Lowry Park Zoo, Tampa, Florida

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from Southeast Fisheries Science for authorization to take by Level B harassment and skin and blubber biopsy sampling various numbers of all cetacean species that may occur in study areas in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea, including blue whales, fin whales, sei whales, humpback whales, sperm whales, and North Atlantic right whales, and to import into the United States tissue samples collected in international waters and in other countries

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Planned acquisition by the Department of the Navy of two non-releasable, rehabilitated California sea lions from the Marine Mammal Care Center and the Marine Mammal Center

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from Tom S. Smith, Brigham Young University, for authorization to take by Level B harassment up to 18 polar bears annually over a five-year period

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Sonoma County Water Agency for authorization to take small numbers of Pacific harbor seals, California sea lions, and northern elephant seals by harassment

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Daniel P. Costa, Ph.D., for amendment of permit authorizing research on Weddell seals in the Ross Sea, Antarctica

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from Paul Ponganis, Ph.D., for authorization to take by harassment 10 adult female California sea lions annually to investigate the role of blood oxygen store depletion in the dive behavior and foraging ecology

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies for authorization to take by harassment North Atlantic right whales during aerial and vessel surveys and suction-cup tagging activities

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from Louis L. Jacobs, Southern Methodist University, for authorization to collect and import the remains of mummified pinnipeds for analysis and archiving at the university’s Shuler Museum of Paleontology

View Letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Proposed regulations to govern the taking of marine mammals during Navy exercises within the Mariana Islands Range Complex

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Eglin Air Force Base for renewal of its incidental harassment authorization for activities within the Eglin Gulf Test and Training Range

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Petition to list the Pacific walrus subspecies as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Oregon Coast Aquarium for authorization to import up to eight harbor seals from Canada

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from George Watters for modification of an existing permit to expand research activities on pinnipeds

View Letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Request from Daniel P. Costa, Ph.D., for authorization under the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978 to conduct research on Weddell seals

View letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Request from the National Marine Mammal Laboratory for authorization to conduct research on marine mammals

View letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Alaska Department of Fish and Game for amendment of an existing permit to conduct research on harbor, spotted, ringed, bearded, and ribbon seals

View letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Petition to revise designated critical habitat for the Florida manatee

View letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife

See notation at top of page.

Request from Shane Moore the extension of an existing permit to take killer whales, gray whales, and minke whales during close approach for filming

View letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from St. George Reef Lighthouse Preservation Society for authorization to take seals and sea lions incidental to restoration and maintenance of the light station

View letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from Scott Kraus, Ph.D., for authorization to take by harassment North Atlantic right whales during aerial and vessel surveys, and biopsy sampling

View letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from Colleen Reichmuth, Ph.D., for authorization to continue perceptual and cognitive evaluations of pinnipeds at Long Marine Laboratory, Santa Cruz, CA

View letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from NMFS Office of Science and Technology for authorization to take by harassment beaked whales and other odontocetes while studying what characteristics of sound cause behavioral responses in these deep-diving cetaceans

View letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from Emma Napper, Ph.D., for authorization to take by Level B harassment southern sea otters during filming of mother-pup interactions in Monterey Harbor, CA

View letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request for permit amendment from the U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center, to increase from 500 to 1,500 yearly the number of Pacific walruses to be harassed during research.

View letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Interim Report of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force

View letter

Council on Environmental Quality

See notation at top of page.

Permit modification request from Robert Garrott, Ph.D., for authorization to temporarily attach temperature-logging tags on Weddell seal pups

View letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Notice of intent to prepare an environmental assessment for lease sale 215 in the Gulf of Mexico

View letter

Minerals Management Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game for authorization to satellite-tag and biopsy-sample walruses off western Alaska

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for authorization to take Atlantic bottlenose dolphins incidental to blasting and dredging at Blount Island, Duval County, FL

View letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request for permit amendment from Charles Grossman, Ph.D., for authorization to acquire larynxes from necropsied Florida manatees to investigate mechanics of manatee vocalizations

View letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from University of Alaska Museum for authorization collect, receive, import, and export unspecified numbers of cetacean and pinniped parts

View letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft 2009 stock assessment reports for marine mammals

View letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed resolutions, decisions, and agenda items for the 15th Conference of Parties, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

View letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft 2009 stock assessment reports for the southern Beaufort Sea and Chukchi/Bering Seas stocks of polar bears

View letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft proposed 5-year Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas leasing program and notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement

View letter

Minerals Management Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft 2009 stock assessment report for the Pacific walrus

View letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Continuation of reporting requirements relative to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act

View letter

Department of Commerce

See notation at top of page.

Safety and Environmental Management Systems for Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Operations

View letter

Minerals Management Service

See notation at top of page.

Final environmental impact statement addressing the Port Dolphin LLC liquefied natural gas deepwater port

View letter

U.S. Coast Guard

See notation at top of page.

Draft 2009 stock assessment reports for the Florida and Puerto Rico stocks of West Indian manatees

View letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Harbor seals and aquaculture operations in Drake’s Estero, Point Reyes National Seashore

View letter

Alliance for Local Sustainable Agriculture

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from the Southwest Fisheries Science Center

View letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft Guidance for Monitoring the Recovery of Pacific Northwest Salmon and Steelhead Listed under the Federal Endangered Species Act

View letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Naval Base Ventura County Point Mugu, CA, for authorization to take by harassment Pacific harbor seals incidental to a boom exercise

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule to modify regulations implementing the Harbor Porpoise Take Reduction Plan

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed regulations to authorize the U.S. Navy to take by Level B harassment small numbers of 26 species of marine mammals incidental to military readiness training operations in the Northwest Training Range Complex

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed regulations to authorize the U.S. Navy to take by Level A and B harassment small numbers of eight species of marine mammals incidental to military readiness training operations in the Gulf of Mexico Range Complex

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rulemaking regarding the List of Fisheries for 2010

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft Natural Resources Science Plan

View Letter

Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument

See notation at top of page.

Request from United Launch Alliance for renewal of an authorization to take small numbers of pinnipeds incidental to activities related to the Delta IV/Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle, South Vandenberg AFB

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Robert A. Garrott, Ph.D., for a permit modification

View Letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Proposed aerial surveys of harbor seals in Lake Iliamna, Alaska

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed regulations to authorize the U.S. Navy to take small numbers of five species of marine mammals by Level B harassment incidental to military readiness training operations in the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Keyport Range Complex

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule regarding the Hawaii-based shallow-set longline fishery

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Southwest Fisheries Science Center for amendment of an existing permit

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from Russell Fielding to import biological specimens from Risso’s spinner, and spotted dolphins and short-finned pilot whales from St. Vincent and the Grenadines

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Developing an interagency ocean policy

View Letter

Council on Environmental Quality

See notation at top of page.

Planned update of “Charting the Course for Ocean Science in the United States for the Next Decade”

View Letter

Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology

See notation at top of page.

Requests from multiple applicants for permits to conduct research on threatened and endangered Steller sea lions and depleted northern fur seals

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Continuation of reporting requirements relative to federally controlled fisheries

View Letter

Department of Commerce

See notation at top of page.

Request from Shell Offshore, Inc., and Shell Gulf of Mexico, Inc., for authorization to take by harassment marine mammals incidental to seismic surveys in the Chukchi Sea

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Intent to conduct a review of the effects of oyster farming in Drake’s Estero on harbor seals

View Letter

ational Parks Conservation Association/ Sierra Club

See notation at top of page.

Request from University of Illinois, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, to import biological samples from manatees, dugongs, sea otters, marine otters, walruses, and polar bears

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Scripps Institution of Oceanography to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to ocean-bottom seismic surveys in the Pacific Ocean

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Gregory Bossart, Ph.D., for a permit to conduct scientific research on bottlenose dolphins in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the National Marine Mammal Laboratory for a permit to take polar bears and walruses by harassment incidental to conducting aerial surveys in the Chukchi and Bering Seas

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Continuation of reporting requirements relative to the North Pacific Groundfish Observer Program

View Letter

Department of Commerce

See notation at top of page.

Request from Neptune LNG, LLC, for authorization to take by harassment seals, toothed whales, and baleen whales incidental to operation of a liquefied natural gas port in Massachusetts Bay

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory for authorization to take by harassment small numbers of marine mammals incidental to a marine seismic survey in the northeast Pacific Ocean

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center, for amendment of a permit to conduct research on Pacific walruses

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Stacy Kim under the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978 to launch a remotely operated vehicle under the Ross Ice Shelf, White Island, Antarctica

View Letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Proposal to issue regulations to authorize the U.S. Navy to take marine mammals incidental to activities at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Panama City, Florida

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Planned postponement of the 2009 dolphin and ecosystem assessment research cruises in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Whitlow W. L. Au, Ph.D., for amendment of a permit to tag cetaceans and conduct acoustic playback studies on the effects of noise in cetacean behavior in waters off Hawaii

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Ocean World to import three captive-born female California sea lions from Germany for public display

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Navy for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to military readiness training operations in the Gulf of Mexico Range Complex

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Continuation of reporting requirements relative to the incidental take of marine mammals in commercial fisheries

View Letter

Department of Commerce

See notation at top of page.

Continuation of reporting requirements relative to issuance of permits to take marine mammals

View Letter

Department of Commerce

See notation at top of page.

Five-year review of the status of the southern sea otter under the Endangered Species Act

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule to authorize the Port of Anchorage to harass small numbers of marine mammals incidental to a five-year marine terminal redevelopment project

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Mirage Casino-Hotel in Las Vegas, NV, to import two adult male captive-born bottlenose dolphins from Bermuda

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center, for amendment of a permit for research on polar bears

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule regarding illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing activities and bycatch of protected living marine resources

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

quest from the Northeast Fisheries Science Center for amendment of a permit authorizing harassment of harbor seals and gray seals incidental to collection of scats and harbor seal pup carcasses

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Advance notice of proposed rulemaking on designation of critical habitat for the endangered Cook Inlet stock of beluga whales

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Peter Tyack, Ph.D., for a scientific research permit to harass various species of beaked whales and large delphinids

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Air Force, 30th Space Wing, to harass Pacific harbor seals incidental to proposed scientific research at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the National Marine Mammal Laboratory for amendment of a permit to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to scientific research

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

roposed regulations to authorize the Naval Air Weapons Station to take three species of marine mammals by Level B harassment incidental to launch activities near San Nicolas Island, California

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request for reconsideration of the Service’s denial of requests to import polar bear trophies from Canada under an enhancement permit authorization

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Navy for promulgation of regulations to authorize the incidental take of marine mammals relative to military readiness training operations in the Marina Islands Range Complex

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Navy for promulgation of regulations to authorize the incidental take of marine mammals relative to military readiness training operations in the Cherry Point Range Complex

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Alaska Museum of Natural History for a public display permit for a sea otter skeleton

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Cindy Lee Van Dover for modification of a permit to export vertebrae from a North Atlantic right whale to Antarctica

View Letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Navy for promulgation of regulations to authorize the incidental take of marine mammals relative to military readiness training operations in the Northwest Training Range Complex

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Urging commitment of funds to support efforts to conserve and recover the vaquita in the Gulf of California

View Letter

Department of State

See notation at top of page.

Request from Karen Terio, D.V.M., Ph.D., for a scientific research permit to import samples from up to 200 cetaceans and pinnipeds from locations outside the United States

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Regarding the deaths of three sea otters under a permit issued to the U.S. Geological Survey

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request for an incidental harassment authorization from Northeast Gateway Energy Bridge and Algonquin Gas Transmission relative to operating a liquid natural gas port facility and associated pipeline

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Southwest Fisheries Science Center for amendment of permit authorizing harassment of short-beaked and long-beaked common dolphins during vessel and aerial surveys and by bio-sampling

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft environmental impact statement on the Beaufort Sea and Chukchi Sea Planning Areas Oil and Gas Lease Sales

View Letter

Minerals Management Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft environmental impact statement on proposed naval activities in the Mariana Islands Range Complex

View Letter

U.S. Navy

See notation at top of page.

Request from the National Marine Mammal Laboratory for amendment of a permit and a request from LGL Alaska Research Associates for a scientific research permit for work related to Cook Inlet beluga whales

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Ann Zoidis for amendment of a scientific research permit to authorize the taking by harassment of up to 100 minke whales annually

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from University of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine, for a scientific research permit to obtain or receive samples from up to 250 manatees annually

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Niladri Basu, Ph.D., for a scientific research permit to obtain and import tissue samples from polar bears taken by indigenous hunters in Canada, Greenland, Norway and Russia

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Niladri Basu, Ph.D., for a scientific research permit to obtain and import marine mammal tissue samples from Denmark

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed critical habitat for the southwest Alaska distinct population segment of northern sea otters

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft environmental impact statement/overseas environmental impact statement regarding training activities at the Northwest Training Range Complex

View Letter

Naval Facilities Engineering Command

See notation at top of page.

Draft environmental impact statement/overseas environmental impact statement regarding training activities at the Navy’s Gulf of Mexico Range Complex

View Letter

Naval Facilities Engineering Command

See notation at top of page.

Request from Charles Grossman, Ph.D., for renewal of a scientific research permit for work on manatees

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Ross D.E. MacPhee, Ph.D., to modify a permit issued under the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978 to allow collection of marine mammal bones and teeth

View Letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Request from Robert Pitman, to modify a permit issued under the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978 to allow collection of unidentified prey items

View Letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Request from Mark Baumgartner, Ph.D., for amendment of a scientific research permit to authorize tagging of several species of large whales in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from SeaWorld, Inc., for extension and amendment of permit authorizing permanent maintenance of a non-releasable, rehabilitated Guadalupe fur seal

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request for scientific research permit, James Hain, Ph.D., for studies involving large whales, including North Atlantic right whales

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Petition from Center for Biological Diversity for a ban on importing swordfish and swordfish products from certain countries under section 101(a)(2) of the Marine Mammal Protection Act

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed “Policy and Guidance for Implementation of the Steller Sea Lion and Northern Fur Seal Research Permits and Grants Program”

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request for an incidental harassment authorization from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory relative to marine seismic surveys in the South and East China Seas and the Philippines

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request for an incidental harassment authorization from CGGVeritas relative to a geophysical and seismic survey in the U.S. Beaufort Sea

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request for an incidental harassment authorization from the Port of Anchorage relative to Phase II of a five-year marine terminal redevelopment project

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request for an incidental harassment authorization from the U.S. Navy relative to proposed training activities in the Undersea Warfare Training Range off the U.S. East Coast

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed regulations to authorize the U.S. Navy to take six cetacean species incidental to training activities in the Jacksonville (FL) Range Complex

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed amendment to Animal Welfare Act regulations to add a new section requiring contingency planning and training at research facilities and by dealers, exhibitors, intermediate handlers, and carriers

View Letter

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed regulations to authorize the U.S. Navy to take marine mammals incidental to training activities in the Virginia Cape study area

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the U.S. Geological Survey to export frozen tissue samples from northern sea otters found dead or dying along the coasts of Washington and Alaska

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed regulations pertaining to the activities of the 30th Space Wing, U.S. Air Force, incidental to activities at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

2012 Marine Mammal Commission Letters and Agency Responses

Browse all letters: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 202020192018 | 20172016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

2012 Commission letters are provided as PDF files below. Download times of large PDFs will vary based on connection speed. Additional information on PDFs.

Please note that Agency responses can be found in Appendix A of the Commission’s 2012 Annual Report.


Recommendations and rationale to assist the Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment Trustee Council in developing a restoration plan to address injuries from the oil spill, including those to marine mammals and their habitats.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from the Northeast Fisheries Science Center to conduct research on pinnipeds along the U.S. east coast over five years.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from the Alaska SeaLife Center to change the authorization under which non-releasable rehabilitated northern sea otters are being maintained by the facility.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Recommendations regarding the draft 2012 stock assessment reports for marine mammals occurring in U.S. waters.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from the Partnership for the Interdisciplinary Study of Coastal Oceans (PISCO) at the University of California Santa Cruz to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to rocky intertidal monitoring activities along the California and Oregon coasts.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Dan Engelhaupt, Ph.D. for authorization to conduct systematic line transect surveys for marine mammals for five years in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

National Marine Fisheries Service’s decision to postpone fall gillnet closures in certain New England fisheries.

View Letter

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Navy for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to training and research, development, testing, and evaluation activities from 2014 through 2018 within the Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing study area.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Navy for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to training and research, development, testing, and evaluation activities from 2014 through 2018 within the Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing study area.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from the Northeast Fisheries Science Center for authorization to conduct research on 37 specified cetacean species and unidentified Mesoplodon spp. for five years in waters of the exclusive economic zones of the United States and Canada from Florida to the Scotian Shelf.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from Mystic Aquarium for authorization to collect, receive, import, and export samples from up to 5,000 cetaceans and 5,000 pinnipeds for five years for scientific research.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Georgia Aquarium Inc. for authorization to import 18 beluga whales from Russia for five years for public display.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from Port Dolphin Energy LLC seeking regulations regarding taking of marine mammals incidental to construction and operation of an offshore liquefied natural gas facility, Port Dolphin Deepwater Port, in the Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request for public comments on a forthcoming environmental impact statement (EIS) that will evaluate Steller sea lion protection measures for Alaska groundfish fisheries.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, along with Pacific Gas and Electric Co., for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to a marine geophysical survey in the vicinity of a nuclear power plant near Morro Bay, California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, along with Pacific Gas and Electric Co., for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to a marine geophysical survey near a nuclear power plant close to Morro Bay, California.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the PRBO Conservation Science to renew its authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to research activities on Southeast Farallon Island, Año Nuevo Island, and Point Reyes National Seashore, California from November 2012 to November 2013.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from Sea World Parks and Entertainment, Inc., to import one female captive-born walrus from Kamogawa SeaWorld in Kamogawa, Japan, in March 2013 for public display.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Revision to National Standard 1 Guidelines that affect the conservation and protection of marine mammals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule to list the Hawaiian insular false killer whale population as endangered (comment period extended).

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft policy on American Indian and Alaska Native Consultation and Coordination.

View Letter

U.S. Department of Commerce

See notation at top of page.

Application from the California Department of Transportation for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to construction activities associated with replacement of the east span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Shannon Atkinson, Ph.D., for authorization to acquire and possess samples from northern sea otters for purposes of scientific research over five years.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to collect, receive, import, and export samples from up to 26 species of cetaceans or pinnipeds for purposes of scientific research during a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

National Marine Fisheries Services’ consideration of National Seafood Coalition proposal to modify regulation aimed at reducing takes of harbor porpoises in the Gulf of Maine.

View Letter

Selected Members of the United States Congress

See notation at top of page.

Application from ION Geophysical for authorization to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to a seismic survey in the Alaskan Beaufort and Chukchi Seas between October and December 2012.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Robert Pilley to take by Level B harassment up to 196 bottlenose dolphins per year over five years during filming activities to document dolphin strand-feeding behavior in South Carolina and Florida.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from the Fish and Wildlife Service for authorization to take small numbers of pinnipeds by harassment incidental to research on bird hazing methods in the Farallon National Wildlife Refuge in California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from the U.S. Geological Survey to renew a permit to allow it to continue research activities on polar bears in Alaska for five years.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

National Marine Fisheries Service’s draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) for issuing quotas to the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission for a subsistence hunt of bowhead whales between 2012 and 2017-2018.

View Letter

Alaska Fisheries Science Center

See notation at top of page.

Permit renewal application from PRBO Conservation Science (formerly Point Reyes Bird Observatory) for research on pinnipeds along the central California coast during for five years.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary to take small numbers of pinnipeds by harassment incidental to black abalone research in the Farallon Islands, California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Navy’s draft environmental assessment of the effects of collecting young California sea lions for its Marine Mammal Program.

View Letter

Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Monterey Bay Aquarium for a permit amendment to conduct research on sea otters that have been rescued from the wild, are undergoing rehabilitation, and could be returned to the wild under the Aquarium’s Sea Otter and Conservation Program.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft environmental impact statement on the Makah Tribe’s proposal to take gray whales for ceremonial and subsistence purposes.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Changes to regulations in subsistence harvesting of northern fur seals on St. Paul Island, Alaska, proposed by the Pribilof Island Community of St. Paul Island and the Aleut Community of St. Paul Island-Tribal Government.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Honolulu Seawater Air Conditioning, LLC, to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to construction of a seawater air conditioning project in the waters off Honolulu, Hawaii.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources to take harbor seals by harassment incidental to a habitat restoration project in the Woodard Bay Natural Resource Conservation Area in Puget Sound.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from John Wise, Ph.D., to import and export samples from seven marine mammal species for scientific research.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit renewal application from the Marine Mammals Management Office for research on walruses in the Bering and Chukchi Seas over four years.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Darlene Ketten, Ph.D., to import and export samples from nine species of marine mammals for scientific research over five years.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from James Shine, Ph.D. to import and receive samples from long-finned pilot whales for scientific research over five years.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Revised stock assessment report for the southern sea otter.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule that would re-instate the special rule for polar bears.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft environmental assessment on Commercial Wind Lease Issuance and Site Assessment Activities on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Offshore Rhode Island and Massachusetts.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Washington State Department of Transportation Ferries Division to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to reconstruction of the Port Townsend Ferry Terminal Transfer Span in Puget Sound.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request for permit amendment from the Southwest Fisheries Science Center to add procedures and surveys to its research on cetaceans, pinnipeds, and sea turtles in the Pacific, Southern, Arctic, and Indian Oceans.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from James Lloyd-Smith, Ph.D., to conduct research on California sea lions at Año Nuevo Island, California, for five years

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Terrie Williams, Ph.D., to add the use of Evans blue dye and serial blood sampling to current permit authorizing research on non-releasable sea otters or those undergoing rehabilitation at the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Sea Otter and Conservation Program.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Todd Robeck, DVM, Ph.D., for authorization to receive, import, and export samples from 14 species of marine mammals for scientific research during a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from the Air Force for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to precision strike weapon and air-to-surface gunnery missions within Eglin Air Force Base’s Gulf of Mexico Test and Training Range.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from United Launch Alliance to renew its authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to Delta Mariner operations, cargo unloading activities, and harbor maintenance activities at south Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, between September 2012 and August 2013.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft EIS/OEIS for training and research, development, test, and evaluation activities between January 2014 and January 2019 within the Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing study areas and their impacts on marine mammals in the central North Pacific Ocean.

View Letter

Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Pacific

See notation at top of page.

Draft EIS/OEIS for training and research, development, test, and evaluation activities between January 2014 and January 2019 within the Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing study areas and their impacts on marine mammals in the western North Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic

See notation at top of page.

Permit amendment request from The Whale Museum to conduct research on eight cetacean species or stocks, including the southern resident killer whale, in the inland waters of Washington.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit amendment request from the Northwest Fisheries Science Center to conduct research on 42 species or groups of marine mammals in the Pacific Ocean over a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Navy to renew and modify a letter of authorization to conduct training operations in the Mariana Islands Range Complex.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from North Slope Borough for authorization to receive, import, and export samples from nine marine mammal species for purposes of scientific research during a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit modification request from the Alaska SeaLife Center regarding research on Weddell seals in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.

View Letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule to delist the eastern stock (or distinct population segment) of Steller sea lions under the Endangered Species Act.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries ServiceView Letter

See notation at top of page.

Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement on Geological and Geophysical Exploration of the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

See notation at top of page.

Application from the Navy for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to pile driving and removal during wharf construction in Hood Canal at Naval Base Kitsap in Bangor, Washington.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Support for announced closing of New England fishing area to reduce bycatch of Gulf of Maine harbor porpoise in commercial gillnets.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from the America’s Cup Event Authority and the Port of San Francisco for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to construction, helicopter overflights, and firework displays to support the 34th America’s Cup in San Francisco.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Geo-Marine, Inc., to amend a current permit by increasing the number of sei whale takes each year to gain more information on their distribution and habitat use.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Robert Garrott, Ph.D., for authorization to conduct research on Weddell seals at Cape Evans, Backdoor Bay, Hut Point, Cape Royds, Terra Nova Bay, and northwest White Island, Antarctica.

View Letter

National Science Foundation

See notation at top of page.

Application from the Navy for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to pile removal during wharf repair at Kitsap Naval Base in Bangor, Washington.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Confidentiality of observer information collected under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Listing of the polar bear, walrus, and narwhal on CITES Appendices.

View Letter

Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Bruce Mate, Ph.D., for authorization to conduct research on cetaceans and pinnipeds in U.S., foreign, and international waters.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Amendments to the Fishery Management Plan for the Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area, and for the Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Stephen Trumble, Ph.D., for authorization to obtain and conduct analyses on mysticete earplugs during a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Robert Garrott, Ph.D., for authorization to conduct research on Weddell seals in Antarctica during a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Shannon Atkinson, Ph.D., for authorization to receive, import, and export samples from unidentified cetaceans and pinnipeds for purposes of scientific research and education during a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Mark Baumgartner, Ph.D., for authorization to study eight mysticete species in the northwest Atlantic, northeast Pacific, and Arctic Oceans during a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Letter in support of the Sound and Marine Life Joint Industry Programme.

View Letter

Chevron Energy Technology Company

See notation at top of page.

Application from BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc., for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to a seismic survey in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea during the 2012 Arctic open-water season

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to amend its current permit to conduct research on Steller sea lions throughout their range in Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from James Hain, Ph.D., to extend a current permit authorizing aerial and vessel surveys of humpback and North Atlantic right whales off the U.S. southeast coast during a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Alaska SeaLife Center for amendments to a current permit authorizing research on Weddell seals in Antarctica.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft environmental assessment on Lease Issuance for Marine Hydrokinetic Testing Technology on the Outer Continental Shelf Offshore Florida.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Eye of the Whale for authorization to conduct research on humpback whales in Alaskan waters during a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request on behalf of the Columbia River Crossing project, for authorization to take pinnipeds incidental to construction and demolition activities in the Columbia River and North Portland Harbor, Washington and Oregon.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from Lamont- Doherty Earth Observatory for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to three marine geophysical surveys in the Northeast Pacific Ocean from June through July 2012.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from John Calambokidis for authorization to conduct research on cetaceans and pinnipeds in the eastern North Pacific Ocean during a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit request from the Pacific Whale Foundation to change its principal investigator in its application to study humpback whales in Hawaii during a five- year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Milton Levin, Ph.D., for authorization to conduct analyses on manatee and polar bear samples during a five-year period.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit amendment request from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to add procedures to its permit to conduct research on walruses throughout their range in Alaska.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit renewal request from Edmund Gerstein, Ph.D., for authorization to take Florida manatees by deliberate harassment to test the effectiveness of an acoustic device for alerting them of approaching vehicles.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Status review of the ringed seal under the Endangered Species Act.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Status review of the bearded seal under the Endangered Species Act.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed Cook Inlet Special Interest Lease Sale 244.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule to amend the Bottlenose Dolphin Take Reduction Plan.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Navy for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to military training operations at the Silver Strand Training Complex in San Diego, California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from the Saint Louis Zoo for authorization to import four female captive harbor seals from Storybrook Gardens in London, Ontario, Canada.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Colleen Reichmuth, Ph.D., for authorization to capture from the wild and maintain in captivity two bearded seals for the purpose of scientific research.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Whether the Service should extend or modify the final rule to implement vessel speed restrictions to reduce the threat of vessel collisions with North Atlantic right whales.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, on behalf of Fishermen’s Atlantic City Windfarm, for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to the installation of wind turbines off the New Jersey coast.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, on behalf of Fishermen’s Atlantic City Windfarm, for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to the installation of wind turbines off the New Jersey coast.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit amendment request from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to add procedures to a current permit authorizing research on harbor seals through their range in Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application by Simon Nash for authorization to take up to 1,300 spinner dolphins per year during filming near Midway Atoll in the Pacific Ocean over five years.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to firework displays between 4 July 2012 and 3 July 2017.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from Lamont- Doherty Earth Observatory to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to a marine geophysical survey in the central Pacific Ocean in May and June 2012.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science for authorization to import samples from four phocid species for scientific research.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Status of exploration and drilling activities in the Arctic and actions that are being or will be taken to prevent, contain, and respond to an oil spill.

View Letter

Department of the Interior

See notation at top of page.

Draft revisions to the Guidelines for Assessing Marine Mammal Stocks.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service and Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to a marine geophysical survey to be conducted in the southeastern Pacific Ocean in May 2012.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Review of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management final environmental assessment on Commercial Wind Lease Issuance and Site Assessment Activities on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf, and repeated recommendations from the Commission.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

See notation at top of page.

Application from Sonoma County Water Agency to renew its authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to construction and maintenance activities associated with estuary management at the Russian River near Jenner, California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Mote Marine Laboratory for authorization to collect, conduct analyses on, and archive manatee blood samples during a five-year period.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from the Navy for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to testing the AN/AQS-20A Mine Reconnaissance Sonar System (Q-20) in the Gulf of Mexico during a one-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from The Whale Museum to amend a permit that authorized monitoring of vessel activities in the state of Washington, by changing its principal investigator.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from Glenn VanBlaricom, Ph.D., for an incidental harassment authorization to take seals and sea lions incidental to abalone research on San Nicolas Island, California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Jooke Robbins, Ph.D., for authorization to conduct research on cetaceans in the Gulf of Maine, Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea during a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Commission comments on the National Ocean Council’s draft National Ocean Policy Implementation Plan.

View Letter

National Ocean Council

See notation at top of page.

Application from James Harvey, Ph.D., to renew his permit to conduct research on harbor seals along the U.S. west coast during a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Request from Robin Baird, Ph.D., for authorization to conduct research on 27 specified cetacean species and unidentified Mesoplodon spp. in all U.S. and international waters in the western Atlantic Ocean during a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Commission comments on the draft policy interpreting the phrase “significant portion of its range” as used in the Endangered Species Act.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Commission comments on the draft National Fish, Wildlife, and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Commission comments on the draft environmental impact statement on effects of oil and gas activities in the Arctic Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from the Lamont- Doherty Earth Observatory for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to a marine geophysical survey in the northwest Pacific Ocean from March through May 2012.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

The Commission expressed its desire to facilitate cooperation among agencies and thereby improve response to wildlife health and disease events.

View Letter

National Wildlife Health Center

See notation at top of page.

Application from Ocean Renewable Power Company Maine, LLC, for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment associated with the installation of a tidal energy turbine in Cobscook Bay, Maine.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft environmental impact statement for proposed 2012-2017 oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico Western and Central Planning Areas.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Matson’s Laboratory for authorization to import, export, and analyze pinniped teeth during a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Dorian Houser, Ph.D. for authorization to conduct research on hearing sensitivities of cetaceans in the United States during a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from NHK Enterprises for authorization to take up to 300 killer whales up to three times and 100 gray whales up to two times during filming of the hunting behavior of transient killer whales for TV, internet, DVD and other media.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Shane Moore for authorization to take 35 killer whales and 10 gray whales during filming for a National Geographic Channel program.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Application from the Navy seeking authorization to take marine mammals incidental to training, testing, and routine military operations using the Navy’s Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low Frequency Active (SURTASS LFA) sonar source.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Alejandro Acevedo-Gutierrez, Ph.D., for authorization to conduct research on harbor seals in Washington waters during a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Gregory Walker, University of Alaska Fairbanks, for authorization to conduct unmanned aerial surveys of Steller sea lion terrestrial habitat from Kodiak Island to Attu Island, Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from Kenneth Balcomb, The Center for Whale Research for authorization to conduct research on cetaceans, primarily killer whales, in the eastern North Pacific over a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center to conduct research on 26 specified cetacean species.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Corrections to 7 and 14 December letters pertaining to authorizations for taking marine mammals incidental to training operations in the Virginia Capes, Cherry Point and Jacksonville Range Complexes, as well as the Hawaii Range Complex.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service and the Department of the Navy

See notation at top of page.

Permit application from the St. George Reef Lighthouse Preservation Society for authorization to take pinnipeds by harassment incidental to restoration and maintenance on Northwest Seal Rock light station off the coast of Crescent City, California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

2013 Marine Mammal Commission Letters and Agency Responses

Browse all letters: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 202020192018 | 20172016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

2013 Commission letters and agency responses are provided as PDF files below. Download times of large PDFs will vary based on connection speed. Additional information on PDFs.


Application from the Washington State Department of Transportation to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to replacement of the Mukilteo Multimodal Ferry Terminal.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from the Washington State Department of Transportation to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to the replacement of structures at the Bremerton Ferry Terminal.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from NE Gateway Energy Bridge L.P. and Algonquin Gas Transmission L.L.C. to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to operation, maintenance, and repair of the Northeast Gateway liquefied natural gas port and the Algonquin Pipeline Lateral facilities in Massachusetts Bay.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not yet available.

Application from the U.S. Air Force to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to rocket and missile launches, aircraft and helicopter operations, Delta Mariner operations, cargo unloading activities, and harbor maintenance dredging at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit application from Marilyn Mazzoil, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, to conduct research on bottlenose dolphins.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from the Gulf of Farallones National Marine Sanctuary to take small numbers of pinnipeds by harassment incidental to black abalone research in the Farrallon Islands, CA.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Call for information regarding the Chukchi Sea Lease Sale 237.

View Letterand Map

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

View Response

Permit application from Dr. Paul Koch, to import into the U.S. mummified remains of four species of seals collected in Antarctica.

View Letter

National Science Foundation

View Response

Application from Blue Point Conservation Science to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to seabird and pinniped research in central California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit application from Dr. Scott Baker to receive, possess, import, and export samples from any species of cetacean or pinniped (except walrus).

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit application from Alaska SeaLife Center to change status of non-releasable walruses.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

Application from the Partnership for the Interdisciplinary Study of Coastal Oceans to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to conducting rocky intertidal monitoring activities along the California and Oregon coasts.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Temporary regulations regarding the California thresher shark/swordfish drift gillnet (CA DGN) fishery observer requirements and a permit authorizing the taking of three species of whales listed under the Endangered Species Act.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

No response provided.

Unsolicited lease request from Principle Power, Inc., to acquire a commercial lease for wind energy development off Coos Bay, Oregon.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

View Response

Permit application from Wessley Merten to photograph and film cetaceans in waters off Puerto Rico.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from the California Department of Transportation to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to construction activities associated with replacement of the east span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit application from The Marine Mammal Center to collect, rescue, transport, relocate, rehabilitate, and release to the wild southern sea otters.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement for training and research, development, test, and evaluation activities within the Mariana Islands Training and Testing study area.

View Letter

Naval Facilities Engineering Command Pacific

Not yet available.

Application from the Navy to take marine mammals incidental to training and research, development, test, and evaluation activities within the Mariana Islands Training and Testing study area.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response.

Proposed rule to amend the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan (78 Fed. Reg. 42654) and the associated draft environmental impact statement (DEIS).

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Final rule not yet available.
View Response

Permit application from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) to amend a permit to conduct research on Steller sea lions in Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Permit amendment issued, however, the notice of issuance was not published in the Federal Register.

Proposed rule to amend the Harbor Porpoise Take Reduction Plan.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit renewal and amendment application from Monterey Bay Aquarium to collect, rescue, transport, relocate, rehabilitate, and release to the wild southern sea otters.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Not yet available.

Permit application from the Bristol Bay Native Association (BBNA) to conduct research on northern sea otters.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

Permit application from the Bristol Bay Native Association (BBNA) to conduct research on northern sea otters.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Not yet available.

Application from the U.S Navy to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to pile driving in association with a wharf repair project in Mayport, Florida.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit application from Sea Life Park Hawaii to renew a permit associated with maintaining Hawaiian monk seals in permanent captivity.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit application from Renegade Pictures to film polar bears in Kaktovik, Alaska.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

90-day finding on a petition to list Iliamna Lake seals as a threatened or endangered species under the Endangered Species Act.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not yet available.

90-day finding on a petition to include the killer whale (Orcinus orca) known as Lolita in the endangered species listing for the southern resident killer whale.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not yet available.

Proposed rule regarding deletion of the expiration date of regulations for limiting vessel speed to reduce collisions with North Atlantic right whales.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Request for extension of the comment period regarding proposed amendments to the Atlantic large Whale Take Reduction Plan.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Extension not issued.

Programmatic environmental impact statement (PEIS) to evaluate the environmental consequences of restoration projects and newly planned projects following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

Application from James Lloyd-Smith to amend authorization permit to conduct research on California sea lions at Año Nuevo Island, California

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Authorization for the incidental taking of marine mammals from West Coast drift gillnet and sablefish pot fisheries.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Draft stock assessment reports for Pacific walrus and three stocks of Northern sea otters in Alaska.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Walrus: Not yet available
Sea Otters: View Response

Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures for Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit renewal and amendment application from U.S Geological Survey to conduct research on sea otters in Alaska.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

Application from TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company to take marine mammals incidental to a 2-D seismic survey in the Alaska Chukchi Sea.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

Application from SAExploration to take marine mammals incidental to a 3-D seismic survey in the Alaska Beaufort Sea.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Application withdrawn.

Notice of intent to prepare a programmatic environmental impact statement on geological and geophysical activities in the Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Not yet available.

Permit renewal application from Thomas Postel to film manatees for educational purposes.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

Initial draft comprehensive restoration plan for the Gulf of Mexico, as required by the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States (RESTORE) Act of 2012.

View Letter

DOC/Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council

Not yet available.

Application from the U.S. Air Force to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to maritime strike operations at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the effects of oil and gas activities in the Arctic Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not yet available.

Permit amendment and renewal application from the University of Illinois to import polar bear samples.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

Application from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to a marine geophysical survey in the western tropical Pacific Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Finding that listing the Gulf of Mexico distinct population segment of sperm whales as an endangered or threatened species may be warranted.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Proposed rule to amend the documentation requirements for tuna products labeled as being dolphin safe.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from the U.S Navy to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to testing the AN/AQS-20A Mine Reconnaissance Sonar System in the Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit application from Tamara McGuire, Ph.D., to conduct research on beluga whales.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not yet available.

Permit application from the National Ocean Service Marine Forensic Laboratory to acquire, possess, import, and export samples from marine mammals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Shell to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to various activities in the Alaskan Chukchi Sea.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from the U.S Navy to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to pile driving and removal in association with a wharf construction project in Hood Canal at Naval Base Kitsap in Bangor, Washington.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit application from Jennifer Burns, Ph.D., to conduct research on Weddell seals in Antarctica.

View Letter

National Science Foundation

View Response

Application from the Navy to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to pile driving and removal in association with a pier replacement project in San Diego Bay, California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from the U.S Navy to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to pile driving and removal in association with a barge mooring project in Hood Canal at Naval Base Kitsap in Bangor, Washington.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit application from Marine Mammals Management to conduct research on northern sea otters.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

Application from the Air Force to take marine mammals incidental to precision strike weapon and air-to-surface gunnery missions within Eglin Air Force Base’s Gulf of Mexico Test and Training Range.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Proposed List of Fisheries for 2013.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit application from Douglas Nowacek, Ph.D. to conduct research on numerous cetacean species or stocks.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from the U.S. Marine Corps for authorization to take Atlantic bottlenose dolphins incidental to various training exercises at the Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point Range Complex, North Carolina.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from the City of San Diego for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to demolition and reconstruction of the Children’s Pool lifeguard station in La Jolla, California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from the U.S. Navy for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to military training activities at the Silver Strand Training Complex, California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from the Southwest Fisheries Science Center for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to fisheries research activities.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not yet available.

Permit application from Graham A.J. Worthy, Ph.D., to conduct research on West Indian manatees.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

Request for comments on the interpretation of the terms (1) “significantly altered from their natural form,” (2) “dwells on the coast,” or (3) “large-scale mass production,” as they pertain to Alaska natives’ taking of sea otters

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

Permit application from SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment, Inc., for authorization to import one walrus from the Netherlands.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

Permit application from Rachel Cartwright, Ph.D., to conduct research on cetaceans in Hawaii, Alaska, and California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from the Seattle Department of Transportation for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to replacement of the Elliott Bay Seawall in Seattle.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit renewal and amendment application from Scripps Institution of Oceanography to conduct research on 35 cetacean species or stocks in the Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit renewal application from Samuel Wasser, Ph.D., to collect killer whale fecal samples to investigate hypotheses related to the decline of the southern resident killer whale.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

Permit renewal application from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to conduct research on West Indian manatees.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

Permit application from Silverback Films Ltd. to film dolphin strand-feeding events in waters of Bull Creek and Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit application from Paul Nachtigall, Ph.D., to conduct hearing, echolocation, and behavioral studies on four captive cetaceans.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from the Office of Naval Research for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to acoustic technology experiments in the western North Pacific Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit amendment from Colleen Reichmuth, Ph.D., to add temporary threshold shift (TTS) studies for captive ice seals under her current permit.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit application from Daniel Costa, Ph.D., to conduct research on California sea lions from California to Washington.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit application from Yoko Mitani, Ph.D., to conduct research on killer and gray whales in Alaskan waters.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Draft report “Arctic Marine Transportation System: Overview and Priorities for Action”.

View Letter

U.S. Department of Transportation

View Response

Discontinuing recommendations that are incorporated as standard conditions in permits issued for marine mammal research for public display.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service and Fish and Wildlife Service

No response necessary.

Application from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to a marine geophysical survey in the northeast Atlantic Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit application from Brian Skerry for authorization to film dolphins in Florida and Hawaii.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit application from Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center to renew and amend a permit to conduct research and enhancement activities on Hawaiian monk seals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Discontinuing recommendations that are incorporated as standard conditions in permits issued for marine mammal research and photography.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service and Fish and Wildlife Service

No response necessary.

Proposed rule regarding timing requirements for submitting a site assessment plan or general activities plan for renewable energy projects on the Outer Continental Shelf.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

View Response

Application from the U.S. Geological Survey to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to a marine geophysical survey to be conducted in the Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Review of the draft North Pacific Right Whale Recovery Plan.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from the U.S. Geological Survey to conduct research on captive polar bears.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

Application from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to a marine geophysical survey to be conducted along the mid-Atlantic Ridge.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Issues related to procedures for revising consensus agreements reached by the Harbor Porpoise Take Reduction Team.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from the Washington State Department of Transportation Ferries Division to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to replacement of structures at the Orcas Island and Friday Harbor ferry terminals in the San Juan Islands, Washington.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from the Washington State Department of Transportation Ferries Division to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to replacement of structures at the Bremerton ferry terminal in Puget Sound, Washington.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Intent to prepare an environmental assessment for commercial wind leasing and site assessment in offshore waters of North Carolina.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Not yet available.

Application from the U.S. Navy to take marine mammals incidental to proposed training and testing within the Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing Study Area.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from the U.S. Navy to take marine mammals incidental to proposed training and testing within the Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing Study Area over a five-year period.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response
Correction Notice

Application from Cape Wind Associates for authorization to take marine mammals by harassment incidental to a high-resolution geophysical survey in Nantucket Sound.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Critical habitat and 4(d) rule for Beringia and Okhotsk distinct population segments of the bearded seal; the Arctic, Okhotsk, and Baltic subspecies of the ringed seal; and the Ladoga subspecies of ringed seal.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not yet available.

Permit application from SeaWorld for authorization to import one Pacific white-sided dolphin from Japan.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application for permit renewal and amendment from the Clark R. Bavin National Fish and Wildlife Forensic Laboratory to acquire, possess, import, and export samples of sea otters, manatees, dugongs, polar bears, walruses and marine otters.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

Application for permit renewal and amendment from the U.S. Geological Survey to conduct research on walruses in Alaska and surrounding waters.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

Support for the efforts of the National Marine Fisheries Service to extend the 10-knot speed limit for vessels entering major east coast ports to protect North Atlantic right whales

View Letter

Office of Management and Budget

View Response

Permit application from Dr. Paul Koch for authorization to import into the United States mummified remains from four species of seals in Antarctica.

View Letter

National Science Foundation

View Response

Permit amendment requests from Joseph Mobley to conduct cetacean research off the U.S. coasts, Hawaii, Guam and the Mariana Islands; from Ann Zoidis, to conduct research on humpback and minke whales in Hawaiian waters; and Jim Darling, Ph.D., to conduct research on humpback whales in Hawaiian waters and humpback and gray whales in waters off Washington and Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Permit application from Peter Rogers, Ph.D., for authorization to conduct research on stranded cetaceans along U.S. coasts to assess the elastic properties of their head tissues.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from the Alaska Oil and Gas Association for authorization to take polar bears and Pacific walruses incidental to oil and gas exploration activities in the Chukchi Sea and the adjacent western coast of Alaska.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

View Response

Petition to delist the southern resident killer whale as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from St. George Reef Lighthouse Preservation Society to take pinnipeds by harassment incidental to aircraft operations, restoration, and maintenance at the St. George Reef Light Station on Northwest Seal Rock off the coast of Crescent City, California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Intent to prepare an environmental assessment for an interim policy lease for Southern Company Research and Environmental Affairs to collect renewable energy data off Georgia.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

View Response

Application from Apache Alaska Corporation for authorization to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to a 3D seismic survey in Cook Inlet, Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

2008 Marine Mammal Commission Letters and Agency Responses

Browse all letters: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 202020192018 | 20172016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

A subset of the 2008 Commission letters is provided as PDF files below. Download times of large PDFs will vary based on connection speed (additional information on PDFs). Please contact to request copies of any letter.

Please note that a complete list of the 2008 Commission letters and agency responses can be found in Appendix A of the Commission’s 2008 Annual Report.


Comments and recommendations on a request for an incidental harassment authorization from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on use of the best available science to carry out provisions of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on multiple applications from Conservation Force regarding requests to import polar bear trophies from Canada

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a petition to expand critical habitat boundaries for Hawaiian monk seals in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a request from the Jacksonville (FL) Transportation Authority for an incidental harassment authorization

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on proposed regulations related to the taking of marine mammals incidental to the Navy’s Atlantic Fleet Active Sonar Training activities

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on proposed regulations related to the taking of marine mammals incidental to the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex training activities

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a petition to list three ice seal species as threatened or endangered

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a draft environmental assessment related to proposed changes to regulations governing consultation under section 7 of the Endangered Species Act

View Letter

Department of the Interior

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on an advance notice of proposed rulemaking on implementation of section 304(d) of the National Marine Sanctuaries Act

View Letter

National Ocean Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a request from the PRBO Conservation Science for an incidental harassment authorization

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a draft environmental assessment for managing the deep-set longline fishery in the eastern Pacific Ocean

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a draft environmental impact statement on training operations in the Cherry Point Range Complex

View Letter

Naval Facilities Engineering Command

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a draft environmental statement on activities at the Keyport Range Complex

View Letter

Naval Facilities Engineering Command

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the draft environmental impact statement on proposed Undersea Warfare Training Range activities

View Letter

Naval Facilities Engineering Command

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendation on a draft fishery management plan for regulating offshore marine aquaculture in the Gulf of Mexico

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service and Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the draft 2008 stock assessment reports for marine mammals

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on proposed changes to regulations governing consultation under section 7 of the Endangered Species Act

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Commenting on the planned establishment of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees at the Service’s science centers

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a request from Scripps Institution of Oceanography for an incidental harassment authorization

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the final environmental impact statement regarding efforts to reduce ship strikes of North Atlantic right whales

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a request from the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Utilities and the Aleutian East Borough for an incidental harassment authorization

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a proposed rule to revise guidelines for National Standard 1 under the Magnuson-Stevens Act

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a proposed rulemaking regarding the draft Atlantic Pelagic Longline Take Reduction Plan

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on possible initiation of a new five-year OCS oil and gas leasing program

View Letter

Minerals Management Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the advisability of requiring written reports on certain activities

View Letter

Department of Commerce

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the request from Eglin Air Force Base for an incidental harassment authorization

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a proposed rule to amend the Bottlenose Dolphin Take Reduction Plan

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the draft revised stock assessment report for the southern sea otter

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a proposed rule to revise the format of the Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a request from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory for an incidental take authorization

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments on need for an enforcement presence at the Children’s Pool, La Jolla CA

View Letter

Department of Commerce

See notation at top of page.

Comments on the Service’s intent to promulgate small-take regulations for activities at Vandenberg AFB

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments on the draft environmental impact statement for proposed authorization of the Makah whale hunt

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the Sanctuary draft management plan and environmental assessment

View Letter

Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the notice of proposed rulemaking regarding the 2009 List of Fisheries

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a proposed rule on environmental review for fishery management actions

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on proposed amendment of regulations governing vessels authorized to fish for tuna in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments on the Navy’s draft environmental impact statement on activities at its Jacksonville Range Complex

View Letter

Naval Facilities Engineering Command

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a request from the U.S. Navy seeking a Letter of Authorization relative to activities at its Cherry Point Range Complex

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a request from the U.S. Navy seeking a Letter of Authorization relative to activities at the Keyport Range Complex

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a request from United Launch Alliance for an incidental harassment authorization

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a proposed rule to establish a mandatory ship reporting system in the Monument

View Letter

Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a request from the California Department of Transportation for an incidental harassment authorization

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a request from the U.S. Navy seeking a Letter of Authorization relative to activities at the Hawaii Range Complex

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a request from Shell Offshore, Inc., for an incidental take authorization

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a request from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for an incidental harassment authorization

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a request from PGS Onshore, Inc., for an incidental harassment authorization

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the draft management plan for the Monument

View Letter

Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the Fish and Wildlife Service’s final rule listing the polar bear as a threatened species

View Letter

Department of the Interior

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a request from Shell Offshore, Inc., for an incidental harassment authorization

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments on the agency’s notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement on oil and gas sale #214 in the North Aleutian Basin

View Letter

Minerals Management Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a proposal to amend the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan and defer the effective date of certain regulations

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a request from the University of Texas, Institute of Geophysics, for an incidental harassment authorization

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a request from ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc., for an incidental harassment authorization

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendation on a proposed rule to prohibit krill harvesting in the Exclusive Economic Zone along the U.S. West Coast

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the draft revised stock assessment report for the northern sea otter stock in Washington state

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a request from BP Exploration (Alaska) for an incidental harassment authorization

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a request from the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation for an incidental harassment authorization

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a proposed marina development on the Orange River, Florida, and its potential effects on the Florida manatee

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the draft environmental impact statement on the Navy’s Southern California Range Complex activities

View Letter

Naval Facilities Engineering Command

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the Navy’s planned training operations in the Southern California Range Complex

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the Navy’s plans for shock-testing the Mesa Verde

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the draft 2008 stock assessment reports for northern sea otters in Alaska

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Regarding its decision to delay for six months a decision on whether to list the Cook Inlet beluga whale population as endangered.

View Letter

Department of Commerce

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the draft/overseas environmental impact statement examining the individual and cumulative efforts of naval training and exercises in the Gulf of Alaska.

View Letter

Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Northwest

See notation at top of page.

Seeking support for efforts to maintain warm-water refuges to enhance survival of Florida manatees.

View Letter

The Honorable Charlie Crist, Governor of Florida

See notation at top of page.

Seeking support for efforts to provide alternative warm-water refuges for Florida manatees.

View Letter

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations seeking support for efforts to provide alternative warm-water refuges for Florida manatees.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the potential revision of protection measures for Steller sea lions.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments on the advance notice of proposed rulemaking regarding the taking of stranded marine mammals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Commenting on the revised draft framework for developing the National System of Marine Protected Areas.

View Letter

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

See notation at top of page.

Regarding support for co-management of subsistence harvests of marine mammals.

View Letter

Indigenous Peoples’ Council for Marine Mammals

See notation at top of page.

Commenting on the draft/overseas environmental impact statement on planned activities on the Hawaii Range Complex.

View Letter

Navy Pacific Missile Range

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on proposed amendments to regulations concerning experimental and exempted fishing permits and scientific research activities under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Commenting on the draft/overseas environmental impact statement concerning Atlantic Fleet Active Sonar Training activities.

View Letter

Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic

See notation at top of page.

Requesting support for a scientific research cruise related to efforts to conserve and protect the vaquita.

View Letter

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

See notation at top of page.

Commenting on a draft environmental impact statement concerning a proposed wind farm in Nantucket Sound.

View Letter

Minerals Management Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the draft supplemental environmental impact statement on the Cook Inlet beluga whale harvest.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on plans to prepare a comprehensive conservation plan for the Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Additional comments on the draft environmental assessment on reducing the impact of California sea lions on salmon near Bonneville Dam, Oregon.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the draft environmental assessment on reducing the impact of California sea lions on salmon near Bonneville Dam, Oregon.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the final environmental impact statement on the proposed Knik Arm bridge, Alaska.

View Letter

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on Coast Guard plans to prepare a port access route study for waters off Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

View Letter

Department of Homeland

See notation at top of page.

2007 Marine Mammal Commission Letters and Agency Responses

Browse all letters: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 202020192018 | 20172016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

A subset of the 2007 Commission letters is provided as PDF files below. Download times of large PDFs will vary based on connection speed (additional information on PDFs). Please contact to request copies of any letter.

Please note that a complete list of the 2007 Commission letters and agency responses can be found in Appendix A of the Commission’s 2007 Annual Report.


Comments and recommendations on development of a natural resources science plan for the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, Hawaii.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the advance notice of proposed rulemaking regarding issuance of permits for scientific research and enhancement activities.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Reiterating comments and recommendations made previously on the proposed rule to designate critical habitat for the North Pacific right whale.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the draft recovery crediting guidance for recovery programs under the Endangered Species Act.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on research on harmful algal blooms, the effects of anthropogenic sound on marine mammals, and creation of national marine mammal data archives, following the Commission’s 2007 annual meeting.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on marine mammal observer programs, health issues related to stock assessments, and alternative methods for managing marine mammal/human interactions, following the Commission’s 2007 annual meeting.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendation on the draft five-year status review for the Caribbean monk seal.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the report of the Columbia River Pinniped-Fishery Interaction Task Force.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding northern and southern sea otters, following the Commission’s 2007 annual meeting.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Commending the governors of Washington, Oregon, and California for efforts to implement an ecosystem-based management approach for West Coast marine ecosystems, following the Commission’s 2007 annual meeting.

View Letter

The governors of Washington, Oregon, and California

See notation at top of page.

Encouraging support for a concerted effort by the United States and others to act to save the vaquita from possible extinction.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the proposal to list polar bears as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the draft 2007 stock assessment reports for marine mammals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding measures to protect manatees from harassment in the Crystal River, Florida.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement regarding use of the Hawaii Range Complex.

View Letter

Department of the Navy, Pacific Missile Range Facility

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement on annual quotas for the subsistence hunt of bowhead whales.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendation on the Final Environmental Impact Statement on amendments to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the proposed rulemaking regarding the 2008 List of Fisheries.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the revised draft recovery plan for the western and eastern distinct population segments of Steller sea lions.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Advice to the Secretary of State to promote joint action and investment by the Mexican and U.S. governments to conserve the vaquita.

View Letter

Department of State

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the proposal to list the Cook Inlet stock of beluga whales as endangered under the Endangered Species Act.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding the draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for seismic surveys in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a proposed rule on the taking of marine mammals incidental to U.S. Navy operations of SURTASS LFA sonar.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendation regarding draft summary and evaluation of the five-year review of the southern right whale listing under the Endangered Species Act.

View Letter View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (DPEIS) on NOAA’s Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments on a request from the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center for a reserach permit to conduct shark control in the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument.

View Letter

State of Hawaii Board of Land and Natural Resources

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding a 12-month petition finding and proposed rule to list the polar bear under provisions of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) as a threatened species throughout its range.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding applications from Oregon, Washington, and Idaho seeking lethal removal authority for pinnipeds preying on salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement on the effects of permitted scientific research activities on threatened and endangered Steller sea lions and depleted northern fur seals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments responding to a 5-year review of the status of the Hawaiian monk seal under provisions of the Endangered Species Act.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendation regarding the Service’s 5-year reviews of the status of fin whales, sperm whales, and southern right whales under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding recent video evidence of harassment of manatees in King Bay, Florida.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments regarding MMC’s interest in working with NMFS to organize and facilitate a meeting to develop a more effective course of action to address the current Hawaiian monk seal recovery crisis.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendation regarding the taking of Cook Inlet beluga whales by Alaska Natives.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding a proposed recovery plan for the southern resident stock of killer whales.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments on efforts by the Indigenous People’s Council for Marine Mammals to secure stable funding for Alaska Native organizations and co-management of marine mammals in Alaska.

View Letter

Indigenous People’s Council for Marine Mammals

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a proposed rule to recognize the North Atlantic and North Pacific right whales as separate species consistent with taxonomy used by the scientific community and organizations.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding the Draft Framework for Developing the National System of Marine Protected Areas.

View Letter

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding the Draft Manatee Management Plan.

View Letter

Florida Fish and Wildife Conservation Commission

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding the Draft Interim Visitor Services Plan for the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge to assess possible impact on Hawaiian monk seals and spinner dolphins.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments on the Service’s proposed review of the status of the Caribbean monk seal under the Endangered Species Act, with the conclusion that the Caribbean monk seal is extinct and should be removed from the list of endangered and threatened species.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding the Draft Recovery Plan for the Hawaiian Monk Seal.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the need for the National Marine Mammal Laboratory and other NMFS research facilities to establish Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs) as required under the Animal Welfare Act.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding a proposed rule for the 2007 List of Fisheries under the Marine Mammal Protection Act.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

2006 Marine Mammal Commission Letters and Agency Responses

Browse all letters: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 202020192018 | 20172016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

A subset of the 2006 Commission letters is provided as PDF files below. Download times of large PDFs will vary based on connection speed (additional information on PDFs). Please contact to request copies of any letter.

Please note that a complete list of the 2006 Commission letters and agency responses can be found in Appendix A of the Commission’s 2006 Annual Report.


Comments and recommendations regarding a proposed environmental impact statement for the establishment of annual quotas for the subsistence harvest of bowhead whales by Alaska natives.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding a proposed rule to amend regulations under the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan covering gillnet fishing in the right whale calving grounds off the southeastern United States.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding proposed guidelines for establishing, revising, and using categorical exclusions under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

View Letter

Council on Environmental Quality

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding the U.S. Navy’s intention to evaluate the potential environmental consequences of mine warfare and antisubmarine warfare active sonar training exercises along the U.S. East Coast and Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic Division

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on issues that should be addressed in an environmental impact statement to assess the potential impacts on the human environment that could result from regulations being considered to protect wild Hawaiian spinner dolphins.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding the portions of the Knik Arm Crossing Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) that pertain to marine mammals.

View Letter

Federal Highway Administration

See notation at top of page.

Comments on the National Marine Fisheries Service’s proposed survey for measuring the preferences of U.S. residents regarding programs for the conservation and recovery of the Steller sea lion

View Letter

U.S. Department of Commerce

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a proposal to issue regulations that would govern the taking of marine mammals incidental to operation of the U.S. Navy’s Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low Frequency Active (SURTASS LFA) sonar

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding the draft 2006 stock assessment reports for marine mammals

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments regarding the draft Ocean Research Priorities Plan

View Letter

Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding closure of the Southeast U.S. Restricted Area to all gillnet fishing

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the draft revised Steller Sea Lion Recovery Plan

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the draft recovery plans for fin whales and sperm whales

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a proposed rule to limit vessel speeds to 10 knots in certain areas to reduce collisions between ships and North Atlantic right whales

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on proposed critical habitat for the southern resident killer whale stock

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the application submitted by the U.S. Navy seeking authorization to take small numbers of marine mammals by harassment incidental to conducting Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) antisubmarine warfare training exercises in waters around the Hawaiian Islands

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on a proposed rulemaking regarding the 2006 List of Fisheries

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding protection of mother-calf pairs of right whales from entanglement in gillnet fisheries

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding the status review of the Cook Inlet beluga whale under the Endangered Species Act

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding the National Marine Fisheries Service’s application for permits in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine Refuge

View Letter

Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding the Administrative Law Judge’s recommended decision concerning long-term regulations to govern the taking by Alaska Natives of Cook Inlet beluga whales

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding comprehensive conservation planning for the Howland, Baker, and Jarvis Islands National Wildlife Refuges

View Letter

Hawaiian and Pacific Islands National Wildlife Refuge Complex

See notation at top of page.

Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low Frequency Active (SURTASS LFA) Sonar

View Letter

Department of the Navy

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding subsistence following the Marine Mammal Commission’s 2005 Annual Meeting

View Letter

Indigenous People’s Council for Marine Mammals

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding subsistence following the Marine Mammal Commission’s 2005 Annual Meeting

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding ecosystem research and management following the Marine Mammal Commission’s 2005 Annual Meeting

View Letter

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding coastal development following the Marine Mammal Commission’s 2005 Annual Meeting

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding fisheries following the Marine Mammal Commission’s 2005 Annual Meeting

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding contaminants following the Marine Mammal Commission’s 2005 Annual Meeting

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations regarding National Marine Fisheries Service species following the Marine Mammal Commission’s 2005 Annual Meeting

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft Overseas Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Statement for an Undersea Warfare Training Range off the Atlantic coast of the U.S.

View Letter

Department of the Navy

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rulemaking seeking public comment on whether to promulgate regulations to protect spinner dolphins in the main Hawaiian Islands

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule to revise the current critical habitat designation for the northern right whale

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

2005 Marine Mammal Commission Letters and Agency Responses

Browse all letters: 20242023 | 2022 | 2021 | 202020192018 | 20172016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

A subset of the 2005 Commission letters is provided as PDF files below. Download times of large PDFs will vary based on connection speed (additional information on PDFs). Please contact to request copies of any letter.

Please note that a complete list of the 2005 Commission letters and agency responses can be found in Appendix A of the Commission’s 2005 Annual Report.


Draft Environmental Impact Statement for navigation improvements to the Delong Mountain Terminal at Portsite, Alaska

View Letter

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for navigation improvements to the Delong Mountain Terminal at Portsite, Alaska

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

San Diego’s plans to take marine mammals at Children’s Pool in La Jolla

View Letter

City of San Diego

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations on San Diego’s plans to take marine mammals at Children’s Pool in La Jolla

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed revisions to National Standard 1 of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Review of 2005 draft stock assessment reports

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule to implement the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Status review of the Florida manatee

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft Conservation Plan for the Cook Inlet Beluga Whale

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Regulations intended to reduce bycatch of harbor porpoises in the northeast sink gillnet fishery

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft Environmental Impact Statement for amending the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Potential impact on Florida manatees of the pending retirement of several power plants

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Southern killer whale status

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Environmental impact statement on new acoustic exposure criteria

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed changes to stock assessment report guidelines

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Cape Wind Energy Project

View Letter

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

See notation at top of page.

Fishery-related regulations for the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

View Letter

Western Pacific Fisheries Management Council

See notation at top of page.

Draft revised 2004 stock assessment reports for California-Oregon-Washington

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Review of 2004 draft stock assessment reports

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Possible change in allowable harvest of polar bears in Nunavut, Canada

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations following the Marine Mammal Commission’s 2004 Annual Meeting

View Letter

U.S. Coast Guard

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations following the Marine Mammal Commission’s 2004 Annual Meeting

View Letter

U.S. Department of Commerce

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations following the Marine Mammal Commission’s 2004 Annual Meeting

View Letter

U.S. Department of Transportation

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations to the National Ocean Service following the Marine Mammal Commission’s 2004 Annual Meeting

View Letter

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations following the Marine Mammal Commission’s 2004 Annual Meeting

View Letter

Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations to the Fish and Wildlife Service following the Marine Mammal Commission’s 2004 Annual Meeting

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations to the National Marine Fisheries Service following the Marine Mammal Commission’s 2004 Annual Meeting

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations to the National Marine Fisheries Service’s Pacific Islands Regional Office following the Marine Mammal Commission’s 2004 Annual Meeting

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Comments and recommendations to the National Marine Fisheries Service’s Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center following the Marine Mammal Commission’s 2004 Annual Meeting

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

North Atlantic right whale emergency rules

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Homosassa Springs State Wildlife Park manatees

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rulemaking regarding the 2005 List of Fisheries

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

2004 Marine Mammal Commission Letters and Agency Responses

Browse all letters: 2024 | 20232022 | 2021 | 20202019 | 2018 | 20172016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

A subset of the 2004 Commission letters is provided as PDF files below. Download times of large PDFs will vary based on connection speed (additional information on PDFs). Please contact to request copies of any letter.

Please note that a complete list of the 2004 Commission letters and agency responses can be found in Appendix A of the Commission’s 2004 Annual Report.


Revised Recovery Plan for North Atlantic right whales

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Management options for fisheries in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

View Letter

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

See notation at top of page.

Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine Refuge

View Letter

Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources

See notation at top of page.

Ship Strike Reduction Strategy

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Incidental harassment authorization during dredging of the Alafia River Navigation Channel

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rulemaking regarding the 2004 List of Fisheries

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Development of an Endangered Species Act Section 6 cooperative agreement

View Letter

Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources

See notation at top of page.

Zero Mortality Rate Goal

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Draft Final Reserve Operations Plan

View Letter

Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve

See notation at top of page.

Southwest Alaska population of northern sea otters

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

See notation at top of page.

Minimum flow levels for Blue Spring in Volusia County

View Letter

St. Johns River Water Management District

See notation at top of page.

Proposed harvest management plan for Cook Inlet beluga whales

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Proposed rule to designate the AT1 group of Alaska transient killer whales as “depleted”

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.

Status of North Atlantic right whales and related management activities

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

See notation at top of page.